Owen Cheung doesn't get to maintain "The Ringmaster" bod

9 Dec – His six-pack "The Ringmaster" bod might have made headlines recently, but according to TVB actor Owen Cheung, sadly, his new physique did not last long.

In an interview with Mingpao recently, the actor shared that after going extremely thin for "Airport Strikers" and then gaining weight during "Legal Mavericks 2020" in preparation for "The Ringmaster", he did not get to maintain the same physique anymore.

"After filming "The Ringmaster", I proceeded to join another production. With dietary changes and reduced physical activity, the previous muscles returned to its original form," he said.

Owen's chiseled bod in 'The Ringmaster'
Owen's chiseled bod in 'The Ringmaster'

Owen also stated that his weight is now back to 150 pounds.

At the same time, the actor said that he is not keen on filming a sequel if there is any, saying that preparing for the series was the toughest thing he had to do in his career.

As to his chances at winning Best Actor at the TVB Anniversary Awards, Owen said that he has little confidence after seeing his competition.

"I will always vote for Wayne [Lai]. Last year I voted for him for "Death by Zero" because I like him so much. If everyone likes me in my series, it's because he helped me a lot," he said.

Owen had trained extremely hard for his role as a boxer
Owen had trained extremely hard for his role as a boxer

(Photo Source: Owen Cheung Instagram)