L’Arte Pizza & Focaccia — Italy’s viral contemporary pizza is now in Singapore, available in 10 flavours

While pizza may not be a novelty to you, Italy has recently introduced a new twist—contemporary pizza. Long flight to Italy? No problem! We’ve got ways to experience Italian flair without leaving town. Chef Radostin, the world pizza master, has brought this trending contemporary pizza to Singapore, available at L’Arte Pizza & Focaccia in Guoco Tower.

L'Arte Pizza & Focaccia - Store front
L'Arte Pizza & Focaccia - Store front

Chef Radostin boasts more than 20 years of experience in crafting the finest pizzas. His skills have earned him numerous prestigious awards at the World Pizza Championship. But that’s not all— he is also one of the esteemed members of the jury!

L'Arte Pizza & Focaccia - Chef Radostin (with cap)
Credit – L’Arte Pizza & Focaccia
l'arte - pizzas
Credit – L’Arte Pizza & Focaccia

So, what sets contemporary pizza apart from the traditional one? Apparently, these pizzas are characterised by the use of light and long-rising dough in their preparation, yielding a softer and crispier crust due to the large air pocket.

Remarkably, the chef utilises 00 flour in crafting the dough, and it undergoes 48 hours of fermentation. This finely-ground Italian flour, with its low-protein profile, imparts elasticity to the dough, resulting in an ideal texture for a tender crust. Interesting!

L'Arte Pizza & Focaccia - Cotto & Fungi and Diavola
L'Arte Pizza & Focaccia - Cotto & Fungi and Diavola

Here are some flavours we recommend trying at L’Arte Pizza & Focaccia! Shroom lovers will delight in the Cotto & Fungi (S$23), adorned with pork ham, mixed mushrooms, oregano, and mozzarella cheese. Alternatively, spice enthusiasts can opt for the Diavola (S$21), featuring mozzarella, spicy sausage, red onion, olives, and green peppers.

L'Arte Pizza & Focaccia - Burrata Cheese
L'Arte Pizza & Focaccia - Burrata Cheese

For those craving a richer and creamier flavour, the Burrata Cheese (S$24) is a must-try! This was, in fact, our favourite. It comes with simple yet indulgent ingredients like cherry tomato, pesto basil, and the star of the dish— creamy burrata.

All 3 pizzas are spread with tomato sauce, imparting a tangy and slightly sweet taste to complement the other ingredients.

Don’t miss out on Italy’s trending contemporary pizza at L’Arte Pizza and Focaccia!

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