Zulin Aziz on separation: Why would I joke about this?

19 Apr - Zulin Aziz recently expressed frustration over netizens accusing her of making cheap gimmicks, after she recently hinted of a separation between her and husband Farhan Norzaini.

It was earlier this week that the actress seemed to announce her separation from her husband of one year, as she posted a photo from their wedding and wrote, "Maybe this is where our story ends. There is no understanding. Good luck for the future. God willing, time will heal. Thank you for everything. Take care."

Expressing her sadness over the issue on Instagram Story, the actress stated that she was accused of creating content for her social media, doing a cheap gimmick for marketing purposes, and that some even accused her of doing a prank.

"What for? I have no new song to be released, no product to launch. Only mad people would joke about this. Please stop!" she wrote. "All I hope for is a prayer. I am already broken by this. Do not add insult to injury. I wish only good things to all of you."

Zulin also stated that she would not release any more statement about the issue.

Zulin posted this photo of her and Farhan on their wedding day, and claimed that their story 'ends here'
Zulin posted this photo of her and Farhan on their wedding day, and claimed that their story 'ends here'

(Photo Source: Zulin Aziz IG)