Zhao Wei denies abandoning her companies

12 Dec – Zhao Wei recently blasted the media for alleging that she has abandoned her offices in Beijing following reports that she has been barred from China's security markets after "misleading the market".

As reported on Apple Daily, rumours of Zhao shutting down operation sparked recently, after the media found all of the offices – which are located in the same building – empty with the exception of a few cardboard boxes.

In this regard, Zhao responded on Weibo, saying, "Can't I renovate the office so that everyone can work in a better environment?"

The actress stated that all the employees and office furniture have been relocated to a temporary space while the office is being renovated, and that it has been on renovation for the last six months.

"The renovation workers have been working hard at night so as not to disturb other offices in the day," Zhao explained.

Previously, it was reported that Zhao's company was among the few that have been barred from China's securities markets for five years for "seriously misleading the market", reportedly over a deal involving an animation studio.

(Photo source: OrangeNews)