Wait, 'Westworld,' Don't Go!!!

Wait, 'Westworld', Don't Go!!!HBO

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
Keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same (Be the same)

Oh god, no! Go away. I said, GO AWAY! Get! I'm not ready to talk yet. The mean, terrible suits at HBO cancelled Westworld after four seasons. "Over the past four seasons, Lisa and Jonah have taken viewers on a mind-bending odyssey, raising the bar at every step," HBO wrote in a statement. "We are tremendously grateful to them, along with their immensely talented cast, producers and crew, and all of our partners at Kilter Films, Bad Robot and Warner Bros. Television. It’s been a thrill to join them on this journey."

As Westworld chugged merrily along, toying with our very sanity week by week, I played the part of peanut gallery, throwing as many nuts and bolts at a drunken Bernard as I could. But this news—which comes just as Westworld realized, in Season Four, what made it great—makes me feel like I didn't know the truth of my feelings all along. Westworld: I've loved you this whole time. I would not have counted brain orbs with you, week after week, during a ghastly pandemic if I didn't. I wouldn't have endlessly roasted Rehoboam the Jolly Supercomputer had I not had a corner of my heart written in binary code. I loved you. I hope you can say you loved me, too.

Westworld, Dolores and your various iterations, the third Hemsworth, Lisa Joy! I'm sorry. I'll never say a bad thing about robots, theme parks, or piano covers ever again if you just come back on air. All I can hope for is that Jeffrey Wright will show up in my bedroom in the middle of the night, like the Ghost of Christmas Past, and sweep me away to make me relive every terrible thing I wrote about Westworld—just so he can make it right by the time the sun rose. It'd be worth it.

Play it again.

As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends forever...

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