There's a New Royal Baby in Bhutan!

their majesties king charles iii and queen camilla coronation day
There's a New Royal Baby in Bhutan!Jeff Spicer - Getty Images

There's a new royal baby in Bhutan! King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Queen Jetsun Pema announced they they welcomed a baby girl this weekend.

"We are honoured to share the wonderful news that a healthy baby girl has been born to Their Majesties, The Druk Gyalpo and Gyaltsuen today, coinciding with the 25th day of the 7th month of the Female Water Rabbit Year, in Lingkana Palace, Thimphu," the royal couple posted on their social media. Lingkana Palace is the official residence of the Bhutanese royal family, and it's where Queen Jetsun Pema gave birth to her other two children as well.

"Both Her Majesty and the Royal baby are doing well." The statement added, "Their Majesties extend their heartfelt gratitude to the medical team of dedicated doctors and nurses, the Zhung Dratshang for all the prayers conducted and to everyone for their well wishes." (The Zhung Dratshang is the central monk body of Bhutan.)

The new princess is the third child and first daughter of the Bhutanese king and queen. The name of their baby has yet to be shared, as it is traditional to wait until after a special Buddhist naming ceremony has taken place.

King Jigme Khesar and Queen Jetsun welcomed their first child, Prince Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck, in 2016, and their second child, Prince Jigme Ugyen Wangchuck, was born in 2020. The royal baby will be third in the line of succession to the Bhutanese throne, but any younger brothers would bump her down.

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