What Are The "Tourist Mistakes" That People Should Stop Making In Your Home Country Or City?

We've all most likely been tourists at one point or another. And whether you're visiting another country or another state, you've probably noticed that there are some "insider" norms, standards, and customs that "outsiders" may not be aware of.

Angelina Jolie stepping off a gondola in "The Tourist"
Spyglass Entertainment

So I want to know, what are the behaviors that you wish tourists would stop doing when visiting your home country or city? In other words, what words of wisdom would you offer tourists who are visiting your home town?

Group of people at a street food stall
Ivanhoe Pictures

Maybe you're from Amsterdam, where biking is the most popular means of transportation. Yet you've seen plenty of tourists completely ignore the bike lanes and the rules of the roads.

Blurred cyclists and pedestrians crossing busy city intersection
Leopatrizi / Getty Images

Or perhaps you live in Sydney, Australia, and you're constantly hearing about visitors who dive right into the water at Bondi Beach, totally forgetting about the very real danger of the rip tide.

An early morning on Bondi Beach
Naomi Rahim / Getty Images

Maybe you live in London, and you can't stand watching the tourists who try to distract the Queen's Guard as if it's some kind of hilarious game.

Changing of the guard in London
Mike Kemp / In Pictures via Getty Images

Or perhaps you're from Vermont, and every fall, you dread the days when tourists flock in from out of town to go leaf-peeping. You know they'll drive about five miles per hour to gaze at the foliage, paying no mind to the locals behind them trying to get to work.

Curved road through autumn forest
Franckreporter / Getty Images

So, I want to hear it from you: What do you wish tourists would stop doing in your home city or country? What are the out-of-towner behaviors that locals find bothersome? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and your responses could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post. And if you prefer to stay anonymous, drop them into this Google Form.