The Second New Moon in Aries This Year Is Also a Solar Eclipse

two butterflies meet over a new moon eclipse
Your Horoscope for the New Moon in AriesGetty/Margie Rischiotto

New Moons are a time for rejuvenation and manifestation. If you have a lack in your life, then this is the time to fill it, through a new experience, person, or item. We must make space for beginnings and foolish behavior during New Moons. Mind you, we are all fools when beginning something new—so don’t be scared to get experimental.

For newbies, a New Moon is when the Moon and the Sun meet in the sky at the same degree, forming a conjunction. As an astrology practitioner, I’m all about precision because cutting through diamonds is possible. Take the theme of each New Moon as inspiration to bring forth the best version of yourself!

It's not déja vu: We're experiencing a rare second New Moon and solar eclipse in Aries shortly after midnight Eastern Time on April 20, just a month after the last New Moon in Aries. Yes, the New Moon was last in Aries on March 21, and that lunar transit marked a time for self-belief and self-affirmation. Since then, you may have made great process towards your goals and even saw the fruits of your initial labor. But keep in mind that real progress takes time, and what will be, will be.

If you need additional wind beneath your wings in order to get yourself afloat, take time to pin down exactly what it is you’re aiming for. For reals, grab a piece of paper, a pen, and keep reading. On the top of the page, write down, “New Moon in Aries Manifestation,” along with your full name and date. Write down exactly what it is that you want to manifest: The object of your desire must be a long term goal that may be attained in a year’s time. This goal should be specific and be honest with your desire (e.g. “My one-year goal is to manifest…). Below your one-year goal, write down a specific short-term goal that is within your control. It must support your long term goal, and you must be able to complete it by the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 5, 2023 (e.g. "My short term goal is to finish… by May 5, 2023"). FYI: We are currently in eclipse season, which means if you’ve had a long-term goal in mind, you have the opportunity to witness your dreams come to life. However you must keep your eye on the prize (so, keep your written goals in sight). (BTW, if you feel comfortable sharing your manifestations with me, feel free to tag me @monishaholmes on social media.)

On April 20, 2023, the New Moon in Aries will conjunct the North Node in Taurus at 12:12 AM Eastern Time. This is a magic hour, and given the New Moon solar eclipse occurs at 29 degrees, now more than ever is showtime. When you’re in alignment with your purpose, the universe will guide you. Listen closely as the universe speaks, because it may not rewind and play again.

Read your horoscopes based on your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Read for your Sun sign to gain insight based on the version of yourself that you’re maturing into, your Rising sign to reflect on your present state, and your Moon sign for guidance on how to nurture your inner child.

Read your horoscope for the New Moon solar eclipse in Aries:


Let your goals center around your personal development. Become clear on what it is you value about yourself, your traits, your appearance, and how you want to grow into a more developed version of yourself. You have gone through enough heartbreak and experienced enough endings to know what you need to feel like you.


Your challenge is to try to develop a clear sense of your biases. Becoming aware of your biases will help you understand how and why you may have certain icks, distastes, or keep falling for the wrong types of lovers.


Community is one of the most healing investments time. When you surround yourself with people who may be drastically different than you, but can unite over a shared interest, then you can really grow. The world is diverse and you will only benefit by pursuing your heart’s desires with an open mind.


Your career dream are coming into fruition, but try to remember this is just the beginning! You may have spent years tirelessly working to reach the stage of life that you’re at now, but you must remember that your life experiences prepare your for your star moment. Utilize this eclipse energy to figure out how you want to be a star. Standing out within your field is how you shine.


You are almost ready to enter a new stage of your life, but you could stand to learn a little bit more before you enter your flow. These lessons are meant for you to encounter, be aware of, and internalize appropriately. If you find that you experience disharmony between your new lessons and your deep beliefs, take time to journal and organize your thoughts.


When you see the words ending, breakup, and closure, what or who comes to your mind? Hold onto that thought—even better, write it down so you’re aware of your unconscious associations. The ideas that came into your consciousness are possibly stressors that you carry throughout your day. This New Moon represents a time to make peace with what causes you distress.


Libra, a new relationship is very achievable if you become very clear on your intentions. There is no room in your life for indecisiveness, unless you wish to see how much torment your heart can handle. Become clear on what your bare minimum is, and be confident enough to initiate a conversation with this person/people about what their bare minimum expectations are in a relationship: Spoken, clear, and fair expectations are fair to have.


Health examinations, tedious tasks, and burnout is less than appealing. Which means you must be the captain of your daily life, Scorpio. Think for as long as you need to about the life you desire to live. Think about the reality of being able to sustain it, which means becoming honest with how you can sustain your dream. This may result in changes at home.


This New Moon is quite literally your sign to have fun, Sagittarius. You will make mistakes, and it’s important that you practice self-compassion. No one knows it all, which means when you practice empathy and understanding towards yourself, you will grow into the best version of yourself. The care you show yourself often reflects the empathy you extend to those around you.


What does the comfort of home look like to you? In developing your goals for yourself, bring awareness to your five senses: Sight, scent, touch, hearing, and taste. What will your home smell like? What colors ease your mind and bring you a sense of peace? This is likely a time for you to deepen your ability to find comfort within your space–just do it vibes.


Even when you’re right, the way in which you express yourself might sound wrong to people who lack the experience to understand you. Trust that if you show a willingness to be vulnerable or bold, you’ll be like a bird dropping seeds in people’s minds. It is other people's responsibility to ensure that they flourish, or decide that the seed has no place in their garden. Once you speak your piece, learn to let go of the outcome. What are you manifesting this New Moon?


Dear, you have entered a period of difficulties—at least that’s what the stars suggest. Now is a time to take stock and work on your self-esteem. Become extremely clear on what you value and believe in, and trust that your principles will help guide you through even the darkest of hours. You get to decide where, when, and with who you invest yourself into.

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