Roxie Nafousi on how to ‘reflect and reset’ ahead of the new year

roxi nafousi's reset and renew guide
How to 'reflect and reset' for 2024Stella Kim

The modern fairy godmother of self-development, the life coach and author Roxie Nafousi is proof that manifesting works. Her global hit Manifest and follow-up best-seller Manifest: Dive Deeper propelled her to guru status for many, with a flourishing community of perceptive followers on social platforms, and invitations to inspire thought leaders with workshops for renowned organisations like Google and Meta.

Key to manifesting, she tells us, is being able to reflect on the past before planning your future. And now – as one year ends and a new one begins – is the perfect time to do this.

Here, Nafousi tells us the steps she uses to ‘reflect and reset’ ahead of January, and how to go about it yourself.

How to do a reflection exercise: looking back to move forward

“I think it is crucial for us to reflect on the year,” Nafousi says. “Each year is like a life within itself – there are so many different chapters – and we forget so much that has happened.” Reflection is a lovely exercise to do at home, she feels (and will be doing this ritual herself on the 30th of December), suggesting how to go about it: “Set the scene – light some candles, get a glass of wine or a cup of tea – you know, make ‘a thing’ of it.” While many will want to go it alone, she also recommends trying it with loved ones, adding that “it’s a bonding exercise, as well”.

Now, the how-to: “I encourage people to look back at what has changed from one year ago to now. So, go back in time to the end of 2022 and ask questions. What was your life like then? Where were you at with work and with relationships? How were you feeling within yourself? By answering these you can see how far you've already come and realise how things have evolved – which is a really good feeling.” Do it chronologically month-by-month, Nafousi offers, first focusing on the highlights, which “puts you in this state of appreciation”. Often, we experience things which feel good for a moment before forgetting about them, she notes, but reliving fond memories can be powerful. To help, use your photo albums as a prompt, and write down what comes up, “like a journaling exercise”.

Next, look at what challenges you faced over the year. Nafousi suggests asking yourself how you overcame them and what they taught you in a bid to “build a sense of pride and confidence”. As well as realising how adversity leads to growth, you might notice patterns that can be unpicked.

All of this should present some learnings to take into the next year, around what you want to keep and change. “It might be that you're asking yourself what really worked for you this year and what supported your goals.” And perhaps you’ll identify what you want to let go of as we enter January.

How to do a reset exercise: from vision boarding to visualisation meditation

The second half of the ritual revolves around vision boarding – this is where you decide on any resolutions that will galvanise your renewal.

“With a brand-new year, mentally, comes this sense of opportunity, and of letting go. I think we should be harnessing that and embracing that as much as we can. From a manifesting point of view, this is a really key time.”

roxi nafousi's reset and renew guide
Alex Hutchinson

So, Nafousi creates her vision board every year on New Year's Eve (the day after her reflection exercise). “For me, this vision board is a representation of what I want my life to look like in the next 12 months,” she shares. “It allows me to really stop and think about all my biggest dreams.”

When following suit, “let your fears and doubts and insecurities move aside, and instead ask yourself: if you could have anything you wanted this year, what would it be? What do you really want for your life? What do you think will bring you joy, peace and contentment? How else do you want to feel this year? Who do you want to become?” It’s not about the material things, but bigger goals. “Anybody could put ‘I want a Loewe handbag’ on their vision board, but it's a lot harder to think about what you want in your life that will actually bring you that sense of joy and happiness and confidence that I think we're all searching for.”

This year, for example, Nafousi put on her vision board that she wanted to ‘find work/life balance’. “And I absolutely feel that I have achieved that. I didn't want to burn myself out with work. And I wanted to find joy again.” Vision boarding (which Nafousi’s books and the Instagram post, above, guide you through) can lead you to making some resolutions that will support your goals, she says. “So, if you want to feel energised, confident or more grounded – what are some actions that you can take to actually help you to achieve those things?” For Nafousi, New Year’s resolutions don’t hold connotations of restriction. Rather, abundance. “Consider resolutions that are going to support you and your growth,” she says.

After completing your vision board and identifying the actions needed to make your goals realities, the final part of her reset exercise is a visualisation meditation – something that she will encourage others to do with her during a new webinar she’s hosting on 1st January.

The most important thing? Come at a reset with a sense of “compassion and openness and readiness,” she adds. It’s easy to be hard on ourselves after the December indulgences, or for negativity biases to analyse the things we've done ‘wrong’. But life’s too short: think “I just want to give myself something different”. Harness that January feeling of newness, Nafousi concludes, “which, essentially, will help inform who you become”.

For more information on Nafousi's Vision Boarding Masterclass on 1st of January 2024 visit

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