Queenie Chu plans to expand restaurant business

23 Nov - Now that she is single again, Queenie Chu is using all of her time for her business and acting career.

As reported on On CC, the actress, who broke her engagement off with fiancé, singer Eddie Pang, back in September, stated that she plans to open up a new restaurant.

"I saw Eddie at the TVB Anniversary Gala. We plan to open another restaurant but we have to consider a lot of things," said Queenie, who still cooperate with her ex-fiancé in their restaurant venture.

The former "Come Home Love" star stated that she is now working hard to earn money for the new business, and plans to buy several new houses for property investment.

When asked the location of her next business venture, Queenie replied, "Maybe in Macau."

"I have five restaurants for now. My goal is to have restaurants everywhere."

As for her love life, the 34-year-old revealed that she has no time for relationships since she is busy with her work.

(Photo source: dramasian.com)