PSLE anxiety finally kicks in for Jacelyn Tay: 'No correction tape? Then how?'

The former Singapore actress turned wellness coach suggested her son try to avoid 'too many wrong words', but wondered if it was 'terrible last-minute advice'.

Celebrity mum Jacelyn Tay started worrying about son’s PSLE after leaving him on his own for the prelims. (Photo: Instagram/jacelyn_tay_
Celebrity mum Jacelyn Tay started worrying about son’s PSLE after leaving him on his own for the prelims. (Photo: Instagram/jacelyn_tay_)

She might have been chill about PSLE before, but celebrity mum Jacelyn Tay is finally feeling the nerves.

In an Instagram post on 28 Sept, the 48-year-old shared that the start of the PSLE period has been intense as it kicked off with the English paper.

Tay confessed that she had only started accompanying her son to study six days before the post was made, having left him to his own devices for the prelims.

She wrote, “Frankly I was never the anxious type for PSLE until last night. Frantically making sure that he has enough good pens to use during exam, I found out that he only got 2… And I just discovered that correction tape is not allowed during exam… No correction tape? Then how? Cancel and strike-off the wrong word?”

The former actress turned wellness coach then advised her son try to avoid writing “too many wrong words”, but wondered if it was “terrible last-minute advice”.

As for why she doesn’t meddle in her son’s studies, Tay explained that it’s to foster a sense of responsibility.

“Since young, I deliberately not get involved with his school work as I wanted him to be responsible for everything he does. It is not my job to make sure his homework is done. I am blessed with a good boy. He never made me worry so far. He had no tuition except for Chinese,” she shared.

Tay concluded, “Now your ‘kan cheong’ mama can only pray at home for you to have a clear mind and that great vocab flows out of your mind. I used to laugh at parents who were so anxious abt PSLE. Sigh, now I understand. Think I will be worse when he goes army.”

Change in attitude

The latest post marks a slight change in Tay’s attitude towards the national exam from August, when she advised her son not to solely focus on achievements to avoid “unnecessary stress”.

She said that people who focus on their purpose instead will go farther in life.

Back then, she wrote, “For your PSLE, I only ask you to work hard for it. Because being hardworking is a virtue. This is the purpose why you go to school. To learn respect, hard work, punctuality, responsibility, social harmony, and develop your tenacity.

“Good exam results are just bonuses. If they are not great, you still have achieved something in terms of character building. And then we move on to secondary school. No big deal.”

Echoing similar sentiments is local actor Mark Lee, whose son is also taking the PSLE this year. He previously shared with local media that he gives his children half-hour breaks throughout the day while they’re studying.

The Golden Horse-nominated actor also cautioned people about the different learning abilities among children and to avoid scolding or stressing them out if they do not perform.

“If your child's learning ability is not that strong, then give them one more year to build up their confidence and learning. Don't force them or call them stupid, because this may lead them to lose their self-confidence and cause them hurt,” he said.

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