19 Things People Do That Are Super Disrespectful, But Ridiculously Common

Every time I leave the house, I am reminded why I stay home. In public spaces, there's always someone who's inconsiderate, loud, obnoxious, or straight up disrespectful.

"Reasons Why I'm Polite to Waiters"

Truly, these 19 things people do should probably have some penalties, but they're all so common:

1."Zero excuses to dump stuff everywhere! If you are too lazy to return something to the spot you got it from in the store, you can hand it to the cashier at the checkout and say I changed my mind, and they will take care of it."

A watermelon on a shelf of school supplies

2."Parents who let their kids run amok in public spaces and don't do anything when said kid makes a nuisance of themselves. I've seen parents completely ignore the fact that their kid is pulling stuff off shelves and throwing them or running through clothes in a store and making a mess. The excuse of 'they're just a kid' translates to 'bad parenting.'"

Child being annoying on public transit or airplane
Nicola Tree / Getty Images

3."Neighbors who don't respect the quiet hours. It's common sense that after 10–11 p.m. you should keep it down. Not blast music like you're trying to damage everybody's eardrums or weaken the structural integrity of the walls."

"I don't mind music, but please tone down the bass."

4."I truly want to understand the absolute weirdos who pull into the left most lane on the freeway, drive slow, and never leave. Why??? How are you that dense? If there is space to the right of you and someone clearly is trying to pass, why not get over? I don’t understand."

cars on a highway

5."I once called out a man for parking in the 'expectant mother's spot' in his sports car. I congratulated him on being a medical miracle. He turned bright red."

A parking space for expecting mothers

6."People who have no patience when driving. There might be a reason why a car is stopped, maybe it’s for a pedestrian crossing the street, or because of an accident. Both incidents I have experienced. I stopped because someone was crossing the street, and the car behind me went around me and almost hit the person walking."

"Impatient driver decided to drive on the sidewalk"

7."Making sure you actually have flushed the toilet in public areas. Not a fan of looking for a decent stall after stall after stall…"

Stall in an American restroom

8."When cars don't stop when the school bus is stopped and the stop sign is out... This makes me so mad because you can easily kill someone else's kid! If you're running late, learn to leave earlier especially if your commute is during a time frame when buses are picking up or dropping off kids!"

A bus pulled in the middle of the road to block traffic for kids that have to cross the street

9."People who resort to personal insults when they’re losing an argument."


10."No one wants to hear your conversation from the outside of your car, like take it off speaker if you're parked! I get it if you're driving, but if you're waiting inside the car, people don't need to hear every single thing!"

A car's carplay screen with the phone app circled

11."People who drive with their brights on. The freeway I use has night construction going on in a project of several years duration. People who insist on using their high-beams make a tricky situation truly nightmare-ish."

High beams on in someone's rearview mirror

12."People who trash fitting rooms. Leaving clothes in a pile on the floor or just leaving them in the room not on the hangers. It’s not that hard to just put the clothes back on the hangers."

Clothes all over a fitting room in a big pile

13."I HATE when people talk on their phones while doing their business in the bathroom. Number one, I don’t care to hear your conversation (which, for some reason, seems to often occur on speaker???). Number two, I don’t care for them to hear me going to the bathroom. It is SO inconsiderate. Why is it even a thing?!?!"

A person on the phone using a bathroom
Rasoft74 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

14."Ladies, I see that roughly 75% of men do not wash their hands when they use the restroom. I go to a giant gym with the restroom in full view of the locker rooms. They use the urinal or come out of a stall, and they just blow right past the sinks without a care in the world. They are *lying* to you."

Sign that says employees must wash hands, and you should too

15."I will throw hands if you push your way onto the elevator or train before I can get out myself if I’m standing right at the door ready to move as soon as it opens."

A packed train ride

16."People who don’t clean up after themselves in a communal space, like a break room. If you spill your soup in the microwave, Becky, clean it up. If you make coffee and it spills, clean it up. If you waste your drink in the fridge, don’t leave your mess for someone to find. We all have to share the space. Don’t make someone else clean your sh!t."

A mess in a communal kitchen break room even though there is a sign that says to not leave messes

17."People who just stop walking in the middle of a busy place. Like the airport. Just move over to the side so you can decide what to eat or whatever. Why is that so hard?"

A crowded airport
Jerry Jian / Getty Images

18."People with purposefully super loud vehicles gunning it in residential neighborhoods (especially early in the morning or late at night). I can’t count how many times I’ve been woken up because some ass-hat in a giant truck or a junky little '90s Honda was revving their engine at the four-way stop near my house. Makes me want to find out where they live and bang on a pot outside their bedroom window at 4 a.m. 😣"

A Toyota car with a bumper sticker that says "Not fast just loud"

And lastly:

19."People that tailgate when you’re driving at or slightly above the speed limit. I 100% 'forget' where the gas pedal is when this happens."

A big Escalade-type truck tailgating on a car in the fast lane, despite there being traffic

If you want to commiserate about more inconsiderate things people do all the time, check out this post and this post. Or, if you have more to add, let me know in the comments!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.