Pal Sinn's fertility questioned

Pal Sinn's fertility questioned

21 Jun – Five years of marriage and no children has now triggered rumours of infertility for "Awfully Lawful" actor, Pal Sinn (Dan Li Wen).

According to Sina's online news portal, speculations arose that the 54-year-old actor's wife, singer Paisley Wu has been seeing a lot of doctors and other professionals, and insiders claimed that doctors have already determined that the fault is not with Paisley.

Meanwhile, a friend of the couple stated, "There is nothing they could do except to accept the reality. Pal Sinn is a good husband, and he always keeps Paisley company."

Pal Sinn and Paisley Wu were married in 2008 after being in a relationship for 11 years. Pal Sinn was a frequent songwriter on her album and was a member of the 80s rock band, Blue Jeans.