Millie Bobby Brown Takes Lie Detector Test, Says Finn Wolfhard Is a “Lousy Kisser”

MBB Says Finn Wolfhard Is a “Lousy Kisser”YouTube

So, Millie Bobby Brown just sat down for Vanity Fair’s lie detector test and was asked about kissing her Stranger Things costar Finn Wolfhard. And she…didn’t exactly give a positive review!

After being reminded that she once declared that “kissing sucks” following her and Finn’s first onscreen smooch, Millie was asked, “Is Finn just a lousy kisser?” Her response? “He is.” She was then asked, “So he hasn’t gotten better?” and replied, “Not with me, no.” Oh, and both of these responses were deemed to be true, so…sorry, Finn!

Millie also confirmed that she hasn’t told Finn about his lackluster kissing skills, and when informed that he’ll probably find out her true opinion thanks to this test, she replied, “That’s okay.”

Anyway! Back in April, Millie and Finn spoke about Eleven and Mike’s sweet relationship to Collider, with Finn saying “they’re so in love” and they “love each other so much,” while Millie added, “It’s like they’re married and there’s no option of divorce. So it’s like, it’s inevitable. They’ll always be together.”

In other words, expect these two to be endgame. You know, unless one of them dies in the Stranger Things final season. 🙃 In fact, circling back to that Vanity Fair lie detector test real quick, Millie said she thinks Eleven should die. To which I say, no, nope, no, bye.

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