Michelle Ye accused of cheating her housemaids

7 Nov - Michelle Ye has been plagued with a new scandal, after several protesters held signs outside her home in Shanghai with signs that read, "Miss Ye, give us our money!"

As reported on Tencent, the protesters were revealed to be former housemaids of the actress, some who were terminated from their jobs less than a month after signing their contracts with her.

One of the maids, a woman named Li, claimed that she was fired on 18 October, less than a month after she started working with the actress. She was not paid the RMB5,500 (approx. USD814) that she was promised as specified in the contract, but was asked to pay Michelle a lodging fee of RMB4,500 instead, despite earlier being told that the accommodation would be free of charge.

Another housemaid also shared a similar incident, and said that she was advised by the police to sue the actress instead when she went to file a complaint.

"They say it would take at least three to five months. We have neither the money nor the time for that," she said.

Michelle later responded to the allegations online, and alleged that she was cheated by a bad agency and thieving housemaids. She also expressed her wish to be given some assistance from those with experience on how to deal with such people.

(Photo source: hk.on.cc/hk)