Joey Yung takes extra measures to secure health for concert

30 May – Hong Kong singer Joey Yung recently admitted that she is taking extra precaution after getting sick for over a month, three months before her upcoming concert.

As reported on Mingpao, the singer, who spoke to the media at an endorsement event recently, shared that she is doing much better after eating a lot of medicine, though has yet to completely recover from it.

"I will start taking my break from other work in the middle of June to prepare for my August concert. In order to preserve my vocals, I have cancelled all recordings and will speak as softly as I can," she said.

Joey admitted that the latter had been a challenge, since she is used to speak in a louder voice.

"I am forced to change my character. I wouldn't dare [speak loudly] now. My friends have to come closer when I speak," she said.

Asked if she will scream if she gets excited, Joey responded lightheartedly, "Nothing will get me over-excited."

Joey Yung is set to break her own record by holding 18 performances at her upcoming "Pretty Crazy" concert tour.

(Photo source: Joey Yung Instagram)