James Corden Delivers Opening Monologue About Being Banned From Balthazar

<span class="caption">James Corden Gave a Full Monologue About Balthazar</span><span class="photo-credit">Ian Gavan - Getty Images</span>
James Corden Gave a Full Monologue About BalthazarIan Gavan - Getty Images

Hello there, it’s October 25 and you might be wondering how we, as a society, are still talking about James Corden being banned from iconic NYC restaurant Balthazar. Answer: James just gave a brand-new statement about the whole thing on The Late Late Show, so here we are!

“Last week, there were stories about me being banned from a restaurant,” he said during his opening monologue, going on to explain that he hadn’t tweeted about it because of Britain’s unofficial motto to ~never complain, never explain~.

“As my dad pointed out to me on Saturday, he said, ‘Son, well, you did complain, so you might need to explain.’ Look, when you make a mistake, you’ve gotta take responsibility. So I thought I would, if it’s okay, I would share with you what happened.”

James went on to claim that Balthazar served his wife, Julia Carey, food she was allergic to multiple times. “In the heat of the moment, I made a sarcastic, rude comment about cooking it myself,” James said, adding, “It is a comment I deeply regret. I understand the difficulties of being a server. I worked shifts at restaurants for years.”

He added that the staff brought champagne to apologize and he thought the issue was done and dusted.

“I’ve been walking around thinking that I hadn’t done anything wrong, right? But the truth is, like, I have—I made a rude comment and it was wrong. It was an unnecessary comment. It was ungracious to the server,” he said. James also confirmed that he hopped on the phone with owner Keith McNally, saying, “We had a good talk. He appreciated the call. I was happy that we got to clear the air, and I felt like we dealt with it privately, you know? But by this point, the story was out there and people were upset.”

James added that he hopes to “go there and apologize in person.”

Sounds good, but FYI, the vibes of this statement are slightly different than James’s recent interview with the New York Times, where he said, “I haven’t done anything wrong, on any level” and “I just think it’s beneath all of us. It’s beneath you. It’s certainly beneath your publication.”

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