Get involved in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2023

how to get involved in the rspb big garden birdwatch 2023
RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2023: How to take partstefbennett - Getty Images

It's that time of year again when the RSPB ask people around the UK to take part in their annual Big Garden Birdwatch 2023 – so grab your binoculars and help document the nature on your doorstep.

Running from 27th to 29th January 2023, the Big Garden Birdwatch is perfect for the whole family or a solo twitcher to enjoy, whether you're a novice birdwatcher or a seasoned pro.

"With birds facing greater challenges due to the nature and climate emergency, every Birdwatch matters. So it's time to get your patch ready for Birdwatch," say the team online. "Top up your bird table and fill the bird bath to the brim. Make sure to remove old food and clean your feeders weekly, as disease can be a serious issue for some species."

How to get involved in Big Garden Birdwatch 2023

1. To take part, all you need to do is choose any hour between 27th and 29th January to head outside and see what you can spot. Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, you can still take part. The team add: "No garden? No problem! Even a small window feeder will attract more birds to your Birdwatch. The more of you that take part, the more it will help us to protect our birds for generations to come."

2. Next, count the birds you see in your garden or from your balcony. Ignore any birds that are still in flight. "To avoid double-counting, just record the highest number of each bird species you see at any one time – not a running total," add the team.

3. You can submit your results online at or alternatively post your results instead.

"Every count is important so, if you don't see anything, please still submit your result. Finding out which birds don’t visit your area is as important as understanding those which do!"

close up of a blue tit in winter with snow, holly, and red berries, sat inside a terracotta flower pot with head up facing left scientific name cyanistes caeruleus space for copy horizontal

How does the Big Garden Birdwatch help?

With half a million people taking part every year, and over 40 year's worth of surveys, the RSPB is able to gather important data on bird and wildlife trends in the UK. The results help to inform environmental changes if needed, as well as celebrating success stories.

In the UK, we've sadly lost 38 million birds over the last 50 years, with many back garden favourites amongst them. The Big Garden Birdwatch is fun, free and great for everyone to help our feathered friends in need.

Why not place some bird food in your garden and see which species you can spot...

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