Your Horoscope for the New Moon in Virgo Is Here

Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto
Photo credit: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

New Moons are a time for rejuvenation and manifestation. If you have a lack in your life, then this is the time it will be filled through a new experience, person, or item. We must make space for beginnings and foolish behavior during New Moons. Mind you, we are all fools when beginning something new, so don’t be scared to get experimental!

For the newbies, a New Moon is when the Moon and the Sun form what astrologers call a conjunction at the same degree—meaning that they're at the same spot in the zodiac. As an astrology practitioner, I’m all about precision because it’s possible to cut through diamonds. New Moons are for setting intentions and goals. Take the theme of each New Moon as inspiration to bring forth the best version of yourself!

Just when you thought life couldn’t get any more awkward, on August 27, the New Moon will be in Virgo. No offense to y’all—we love a signal to stop talking and take a clue. If you don’t know how to do that, baby, this is your sign to ask for help! Virgo is a mutable earth sign, which means as summer nears its end, this is the time for putting away bikinis and putting on clothes—except for Florida girls, they get like five more months of summer.

Occurring at August 27, 2022, at exactly 4:16 A.M. EST, the New Moon will conjunct the Sun at exactly 4 degrees, squaring up with the planet of motivation, Mars, in Gemini. During this New Moon, the biggest obstacle we will face is bravely expressing our ideas. Gemini is all about curiosity, creativity, and wit. The planet Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, meaning thinking is huge for both of these signs. Virgo prefers to keep their thoughts inward, whereas Gemini experiences reward through proactive communication. Find the balance between thinking and speaking, and this New Moon can be a powerful time for you to manifest your goals!

Read your horoscopes based on your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. (Don't know yours? Here's a free birth chart calculator.) Read your Sun sign horoscope to gain insight based on the version of yourself that you’re maturing into, your Rising sign horoscope to reflect on your present state, and your Moon sign horoscope for guidance on how to grow your inner child.

Your horoscope for the New Moon in Virgo:


Work to hush your mouth and take the observer’s position. Get your goals, facts, and ideal outcome to develop your growth plan. If you are interested in a promotion, this New Moon is a great time to take note of all you do and the level you wish to reach. Harvest season is near. Closed mouths won’t reap the fruits of their labor.


Fixating on precision is a strength. However, waiting for perfection is a weakness. Your wildest ideas are perfect. Your dreams can exist, if you start to work towards them. Take time to assess your belief system and values, and then move forward with your personal affairs.


Bring your home goals to the forefront of your mind. Some believe quick remedies will provide them with the results they desire, but that is not how it works. Instantaneous effects can overwhelm the mind. Your brain benefits from having time to buffer ideas before bringing them to reality. Schedule time to dream of your ideal space and explore your senses.


How you get your point across is essential. One inauthentic expression and you may send a false impression. You have responsibility for the intentions you set, but the question is how others will interpret you. Communication is a two-way street, and it would be unfair for you to expect to be understood by everyone. When you think it’s best to hold back, trust your intuition; your instincts are motivated by feelings.


Leo, when was the last time you handled your personal finances? It’s understandable if you feel like throwing away your tax information once summer comes; who enjoys doing their own accounting? Ew. Take some time to determine precisely how your spending and earnings will benefit you during this New Moon. You may have more financial freedom than you expected.


Happy personal new year, Virgo– it’s your birthday season! As you celebrate yourself, remember to grant yourself love and kindness. Being represented by "the virgin" is simply a reminder that you’ll always be young and doe-eyed in some respect. Grant yourself permission to fail and do your best. Persistence as valuable as consistency.


Have you ever taken in so many perspectives that you lose your first thought? This New Moon is an excellent time for you to spend alone. My dear, prioritize yourself—you need the attention. You'll find pitfalls when you spread yourself too thin. Grant yourself permission to ignore distractions, then watch how well the rest of your summer goes.


Well, aren’t you a master manifester? Scorpio, did you know that you can fully actualize your dreams? You can. This New Moon is time for you to get clear on exactly what you want and who you want to share your celebrations with. Be picky, peculiar, and dare I say, bougie. Not everyone needs to be around you. Be your own best friend and choose wisely.


Your career will go where you need when you do the work yourself. Connecting with a Scorpio friend might be a good idea; you need to get some networking done. When you put yourself out there, remember that first impressions are meaningful. Even if you don’t hit the target during the first interaction, many people appreciate an underdog. Make space for solitude. It’s okay not to answer the phone.


Want in on a secret? We are all lifelong learners. And as a cardinal sign, you value growth. To be a cardinal earth sign means that just like an oak tree, you are constantly shedding branches, even after reaching full maturity. You will likely always hold onto your roots and foundational knowledge. That’s the hardest to release. This month is for accepting new growth; it may be uncomfortable, but it's worth it.


Positive change can come from unfortunate outcomes. You may not significantly enjoy the earthquake at your feet if a strong foundation has fallen. Be open to allowing what must go to leave, and permit yourself to mourn the loss for as long as you need. Be reasonable. There is likely relief and rewards to follow. What is released provides space to plant seeds.


Love looks promising for you, Pisces. Avoiding difficult conversations does no one any good. Difficulties are a part of life; you will always have to learn how to handle conflict. Show a willingness to take on what feels bad and you'll get what feels good. It sucks that sometimes we must go to hell to find heaven on earth.

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