Hi, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here

Your Horoscope for the Week of July 2Hearst Owned

Overview: Snap out of it! A Full Moon in challenging Capricorn on Monday wants us to either get help or get over whatever we’ve been complaining about. Friday’s Mercury-Uranus sextile helps us get curious about how emotions register in our physical bodies. Sunday’s Mercury trine to Neptune is dreamy, soulful, and romantic.

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope for the week:


Career changes are on the horizon, Aries! Monday’s Full Moon in Capricorn wants you to own your “stuff” for career success and step into leadership and begin a self-employment adventure. Friday’s Mercury-Uranus sextile inspires you to think about the connection between emotion and your body. Sunday’s Mercury trine to Neptune wants you relish in the sweetness of doing nothing!


Bon voyage, Taurus! Monday’s Full Moon in Capricorn wants you to explore new countries (and campuses?) to expand your horizons in powerful ways. Friday’s Mercury-Uranus sextile gives you a reframe on how you communicate, listen, and problem=solve. Sunday’s Mercury-Neptune trine allows you and your friends to empathetically hold space for each other.


Go deeper, Gemini. Monday’s Full Moon in Capricorn gives you intimacy, also known as into-me-see. Go deeper in conversation to let others see you. Friday’s Mercury-Uranus sextile could provide closure on a financial issue that’s been annoying you. Sunday’s Mercury-Neptune trine gives you a chance to live into your values professionally.


Love is in the air, Cancer! Monday’s Full Moon in Capricorn is a romantic one and it helps you leverage “opposites” as not a challenge but a key indicator for compatibility. Friday’s Mercury-Uranus sextile wants you to reconnect with your friends and community for support. Sunday’s Mercury-Neptune trine helps you protect your free time for inspiration and more ease.


Small goals, Leo! Monday’s Full Moon in Capricorn wants to help you in your new changes, but only if you start very small and move slowly for success. Friday’s Mercury-Uranus sextile gives you a breakthrough related to career, asking you to let go of a presumption. Sunday’s Mercury-Neptune trine wants you to lean on a spiritual practice for healing.


Express yourself, Virgo! Monday’s Full Moon in Capricorn inspires you to disclose key information to people who genuinely need to hear what you’re feeling. Friday’s Mercury-Uranus sextile wants you to go on an adventure literally or in conversation with your friends. Sunday’s Mercury-Neptune trine helps you apply more friendship to romance and more romance to friendship.


What does “home” mean to you, Libra? Monday’s Full Moon in Capricorn helps you reframe “home” as emotional safety with people and in places that you love. Friday’s Mercury-Uranus sextile shines a revealing light on a professional concern you have. Sunday’s Mercury-Neptune trine gives you a new habit to help you to succeed in your career goals.


Use your words, Scorpio! Monday’s Full Moon in Capricorn helps you communicate more effectively so others understand your intentions and you can embrace theirs. Friday’s Mercury-Uranus sextile wants you to normalize doubt when trusting and embrace more optimism. Sunday’s Mercury-Neptune trine blesses you with a confidence boost so you can take a risk.


Get grounded, Sag! Monday’s Full Moon in Capricorn helps you in embodiment and living into your values to provide you with presence, safety, and peace. Friday’s Mercury-Uranus sextile wants you to practice more mindfulness for intimacy’s sake and pleasure. Sunday’s Mercury-Neptune trine gives you a new insight into your family for healing and forgiveness.


Begin again, Capricorn! Monday’s annual Full Moon in your sign gives you the change to reset while you apply the best of your sign—softness AND strength. Friday’s Mercury-Uranus sextile wants you to reframe your approach to negotiation. Sunday’s Mercury-Neptune trine helps you find the common agreement between opposites.


It’s safe to let go, Aquarius. Monday’s Full Moon in Capricorn gives you the sense of closure and completion you’ve been longing for. Friday’s Mercury-Uranus sextile wants you to notice your emotions more mindfully; maybe even label them for your wellbeing. Sunday’s Mercury-Neptune trine helps you notice the small things about a financial situation for your own success.


Community is key, Pisces! Monday’s Full Moon in Capricorn reminds you that you don’t have to do anything alone; you can heal, have joy, and succeed in community. Friday’s Mercury-Uranus sextile helps you reframe your ideas on confidence and self-esteem in a grounded way. Sunday’s Mercury-Neptune trine wants you to let your curiosities and creative pursuits run wild.

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