Greg Hsu elated to get Best Actor nomination

28 Aug – Greg Hsu is elated to have been nominated in the Best Actor category at the upcoming 55th Golden Bell Awards.

As reported on Epoch Times, the actor who became popular across Greater China for his role in the series, "Someday or One Day", stated that he is honoured to be shortlisted among other great talents who are worthy of being respected.

"I personally hope that our team can win more awards because without a good story and a good team, there was no way we could achieve such a great result. I sincerely hope they will win, especially my senior Ko Chia-yen," he enthused.

It is noted that the production recently announced that there will be a movie version of the said series.

Greg will be facing tough competition from the likes of Joseph Chang ("The Victim's Game"), Jack Yao ("The Mirror"), Kaiser Chuang ("Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner"), and Emerson Tsai ("Ku Li").

The 55th Golden Bell Awards will be held on 26 September.