Fasha Sandha on eye injury: Accidents happen!



10 Mar – Fasha Sandha recently reiterated her statement that she does not blame anybody for the injury she sustained during the shoot of "Anak Tuan" two weeks ago.

The actress, who shared several photos on Instagram of her time in hospital as well as the injury she sustained in her left eye, stated that she regarded the accident as God's way of giving her time to rest.

"It was a long eight days for me, the first time that I was admitted for getting injured. The first time I used my personal medical card and personal insurance that I have since 2004. The only times I stayed overnight in a hospital were when I gave birth," she posted.

Fasha stated that the only thing that concerns her right now is the filming schedule, and that all she wants to do right now is to complete her work.

"But Fieza, [director] Along Kamaludin, and the doctor have forbidden me to do so. It's when you are unwell that you realise who truly love you," she added.

As for her injury, Fasha said that the bruise is slowly recovering, though she still has blood clots in her left eye and that the broken eye socket is yet to heal fully.

"Despite all that, I am still thankful that my right eye is still perfect and that I am still blessed with lots of good things," she added. The actress calls the hospitalisation "a memorable eight days and seven nights holiday."


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The actress says that her ward was just like a garden with all the flowers sent to her



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(Photo Source: Fasha Sandha IG)