19 Signs That Made Me Laugh So Hard, I Pulled A Muscle In My Back And Actually Shed A Tear

You know what time it is: It's time to laugh at the funniest signs of the week, courtesy of r/funnysigns. Feel free to comment if they made you chuckle, chortle, giggle, or all of the above:

1."A flowchart."

a do you know where ed is flowchart

2."If seasons were human..."

it's like winter is really mad and keeps storming out of the room and then coming back yelling, and another thing

3."Dancing sandwiches."

bj's bar cocktails and dancing sandwiches

4."Which way do I go?"

painted arrows on the street going in every direction but it says "only"

5."I hope they find her."

missing sign for a roomba

6."Creative marketing..."

boneless chicken sign in front of eggs

7."It seems people are having fun in university."

a ucla masturbation sign

8."Portugal is a friendly country."

we love f*** tourists

9."No pedestrians."

sign of a loading truck reading no pedestrians

10."Very cheeky..."

2 signs claiming a lost ipod and a reward that's a dollar more

11."How is your mental health?"

mental is hocus, health not pocus

12."I'm pretty sure you should be using your arms instead..."

heavy sign and stick people carrying a box

13."I’m so excited to be a 'satanic socialist' and beg for candy tonight!"

sign reading attention satanic socialists


i love you from my head to my to-ma-toes

15."Yours, mine, ours."

yard sale our crap could be your crap

16."Uuh, no..."

sorry we're open

17."Sidewalk ends?"

sidewalk ends sign at the end of the sign

18."Same, to be honest."

marquee reading, i hope when i inevitably chose to death on gummy bears people just say i was killed by bears and leave it at that

19."Seems like something OJ would say."

license on a ford bronco that reads not oj

Don't miss the funniest signs last week...

17 Signs From This Week That Are Way, Way, Way, Way Too Funny Not To Look At

and the funniest signs in October:

22 Signs From October That Made Me Laugh So Hard I Nearly Choked On My Halloween Candy