Angie Shum's ovarian cyst is malignant

7 Jan - Singer Angie Shum, who was earlier diagnosed with a large ovarian cyst, revealed recently that the cyst turned out to be malignant.
According to On CC, the singer, who attended the celebratory banquet for new movie "Anniversary", disclosed, "The doctor told me that the cyst is malignant and is about 7 cm in diameter. Since it's a cyst, it also moves around a bit."
The singer added that she is currently taking painkiller to ease the pain.
Angie previously revealed that she will undergo surgery to remove the cyst whether it is malignant or not. When asked if she may need to undergo chemotherapy after her surgery, the singer said, "I am not sure. The doctor said that there is a possibility it will come back after surgery."
The singer also admitted that she is worried if it will affect her chance to have a baby in the future, although added that she has yet to further consult her doctor.
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