Alissa Spears and Her Fitness Coaching Practice Making Sure Women Lead Fulfilling Lives
The importance of fitness in health and wellness cannot be discounted, and in the recent world where everyone has been forced indoors with limited movement and to lead sedentary lives, fitness has never been more important. Virtual coaches have leveraged the opportunity to advance their careers, and Alissa Spears isn’t slacking at all as she's playing her part in keeping the world fit and healthy.
The mother of two and virtual health and wellness coach believes strongly that a happy and healthy life is the catalyst anyone needs to achieve their goals without sacrificing what they love. She runs a health and wellness coaching practice that focuses on a realistic approach to weight loss, healthy living and making the most of every moment.
Alissa Spears thrives on being an exercise physiologist who is well-versed in workouts, recipes, and helping people get through their daily lives using the right approach. With her fun accountability group, people can meet other people doing the same programs and meal plans and encourage one another to meet their fitness goals.
On her journey over the years in the fitness coaching business, Alissa has traversed the fitness industry doing different jobs. What started out as a job folding towels at a rec center in college had sparked an entire career move. She had originally planned to continue her education in sport & exercise psychology but one exercise physiology class changed her entire perspective.
She has been a personal trainer and group fitness instructor, working as a fitness director at a private club in Pittsburgh, PA. Over the last eleven years, she has worked as a health coach for a major health insurance company specializing in lifestyle management programs that emphasize on weight loss and stress management.
Alissa Spears is right at the forefront of championing the idea that fitness does not require being at a fancy gym or spending hours working out. From fitness to nutrition, Alissa Spears has a tailored and customized plan that suits everyone and their lifestyles. "My job is to help you get results and enjoy what you are doing along the way! Fitness should be fun and your meals should be enjoyable," Alissa promised.
Alissa never shies away from the fact that her life has had its fair shares of struggles with health and fitness too. While recognizing that health and wellness are ways of life, she notes that it is not always easy. Alissa herself has experienced and recovered from two c-section procedures, postpartum depression, PCOS and Hypothyroidism.
She’s a living witness of what struggling with one’s health feels like, but her passion for healthy living and living one’s best life has set her on the path to help as many women as possible prioritize themselves so they can be the best version of themselves for themselves and everyone they love. ”I help women lead more fulfilling lives by filling their cups first with fitness, nutrition, and fun so they can pour into the cups of those who need them most,” Alissa said.
Despite having an Executive MBA and years of experience in corporate America, Alissa Spears remains passionate about the fitness industry and reiterates her commitment to helping people stay fit and enjoy their lives.