Alif Muhaimin thankful for blessings after house fire

20 Dec – After the recent fire that destroyed his home, actor Alif Muhaimin stated that he is thankful for the blessings he received despite the hardship.

The actor, whose family home in Kelana Jaya caught fire in an incident that occurred last week, stated that he has witnessed the kindness from other people following the tragedy, as well as what he deemed God's miracle.

"After the fire was put out, I entered the house and found that not a single verse of the Quran had been touched by the fire, even though all other items had been burnt. The very next day, I got a call from a production company that offered me a role," he said.

Alif also stated that the sales of his kek batik has also increased since then, adding that God has replaced what was taken from them.

In a previous report, it was revealed that the fire was caused by a short circuit due to thunder and lightning that came with the heavy rain.

Alif stated that he is thankful that none of his family members were in serious harm.

"We will restore the family home since there are so many memories. But the restoration may take between three to six months," he added.

The actor says his family plans to restore the house
The actor says his family plans to restore the house

(Photo Source: Alif Muhaimin IG)