Adam Cheng supports daughter's movie

15 May - Veteran singer-actor Adam Cheng recently graced the red carpet of the charity premiere of daughter Joyce Cheng's movie, "29+1".

As reported on Mingpao, the actor, who took time off from his concert rehearsal to attend the event, shared that he would have turned down just about anything in order to be able to support his daughter.

When asked if he has no issue with Joyce's kissing scene with actor Babyjohn Choi in the movie, Adam responded, "She is a big girl and it was all just a performance. It is required of her character."

"Young people are very forward nowadays. They would never stop until they shock you," he added.

Adam shared that even though Joyce didn't tell him about such a scene before doing it, as an actor himself, he understands the importance of showing the real side of a character.

"Healthy sexy is fine. She is not a little girl anymore. She is already a goddess, very talented and mature," he said.

Meanwhile, when mentioned about Adam's appearance at the event, Joyce said that she didn't put pressure on the singer to appear.

"But he insisted, since it's his daughter's first lead role," she enthused.

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