31 Pics That Basically Encapsulate What It's Like To Live In America In 2024

1.Here in America, we appreciate our teachers!

Stress relief items including bubble wrap, candy, and a playful card on a desk
u/rjyanco / Via reddit.com

2.America has so many ingenuous solutions to our problems.

Two people in a split-screen interview on CNN, one male host and female guest, Emma Camp, discussing child labor laws
u/ThatchMaster- / Via reddit.com

3.Health insurance is always reasonable and reliable here.

A hand clutching a denied insurance claim form stating "Medically Necessary" services are not covered
u/irish_fellow_nyc / Via reddit.com

4.We have cute little nursery rhymes here for kids about hiding from gunmen at school!

Child's handwritten lockdown drill instructions on a classroom wall
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

5.Only in America.

Hand holding a black handgun with text on the wristband
u/kerrigan_rae / Via reddit.com

6.Welcome to America, where everything — even a fortune cookie — is an ad.

Two images of fortune cookie papers with lottery numbers and advertising for playing poker online
u/W33b3l / Via reddit.com

7.And you can get evicted for being 15 minutes behind on rent — which means, of course, a ton of new charges.

Summary of notice: Overdue rent and other charges leading to possible eviction
u/lvl100Evasion / Via reddit.com

8.Don't you just love our medical system?

Summary of bill showing $0 owed, yet a $5 interest charge due to a clerical error
u/timtimtimmyjim / Via reddit.com

9.There's really nothing like American school lunches.

A hot dog with a bun, blurred orange item on the left
u/Primalfish1844 / Via reddit.com

10.Classic America!!!

Textbook cover with title "Ron Larson Bruce Edwards" and students sitting with a large circular design in the background

11.This translation seems pretty on-point.

A screenshot of Twitter conversations discussing removal of subway benches to deter homelessness and its impact on the elderly and disabled
u/Vishal_Patel_2807 / Via reddit.com

12.This bright blue, green, and orange water gun needs a warning. Because that's where we're at right now in America.

A person holding a backpack water shooter toy package with a warning label about mistaken identity by law enforcement
u/Dilitan / Via reddit.com

13.Welcome to paying tuition in America.

Screenshot of a payment verification screen displaying a tuition account balance and a non-refundable convenience fee with a total amount due
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

14.Imagine rear-ending this car.

Rear view of a truck with "ULTRA MAGA" and "We the People" decals, alongside various patriotic and political stickers
u/dingogrundle / Via reddit.com

15.Ah, America, where the customer pays for the restaurant staff's health insurance because the company refuses to.

Receipt from Alimento Silver Lake showing various ordered items, total cost, and a health insurance charge for staff
u/Stepbro_canhelp / Via reddit.com

16.And restaurants passive-aggressively remind you to tip, because they won't pay their servers enough:

Sign at Swadley's Bar-B-Q informing patrons their servers rely on tips
u/M7plusoneequalsm8 / Via reddit.com

17.But don't worry — everyone tips! Plus, we definitely have separation of church and state, and everyone's free to practice the religion they want!

A novelty one million dollar bill featuring Benjamin Franklin beneath a standard one dollar bill

18.Here's the pandemic in the US in one photo.

Person in airplane wearing a cap with text, mask under chin, others seated nearby
u/jcepiano / Via reddit.com

19.And boomers in one photo.

Passenger with a sheer covering over their head seated on an airplane, other travelers watching screens
u/stash3630 / Via reddit.com

20.'Murica — where you can get fired for missing a work pajama party because you have to take your sick pet to the vet for an emergency.

Text message conversation about scheduling conflicts, a wet emergency drop off, and not being able to meet
u/Hobo_Taeng / Via reddit.com

21.Work is always SO reasonable about family and friend events, too.

Text message: Boss informs employee they'll be fired if they take sick leave, missing friend's grad
u/RatKingD / Via reddit.com

22.Here, you're a part of a family, no matter where you work.

Online multiple-choice quiz showing a selected answer with a red box around it
u/z0mOs / Via reddit.com

23.But hey, at least workers can sit while they work!

Sign on a door reads: "The chair is not lost. It has been removed and will not be back until someone has an injury for a period of time. Kohl's Associates only."
u/Impressive-Hope-6764 / Via reddit.com

24.Everything is SO convenient in America, too. Like, we would never put cheap products in little cages to deter thieves.

Supermarket shelves before and after restocking, some items still missing, CCTV signs visible
u/queen_clean / Via reddit.com

25.Ah, to be a woman in America.

A medical bill shows a total due of $9,138.00 for emergency services, with a handwritten note indicating a misdiagnosis issue
u/Carlpoppa1738 / Via reddit.com

26.Here, you can get a convenient subscription to everything, including life's essentials. Like cold water!

Person using a Reefill water station to refill a cup, with pricing and app details listed above
u/herro_preeeze / Via reddit.com

27.And shopping in the morning!

Screen displaying membership upgrade offer for early shopping hours, with a price and options to upgrade or skip
u/Brilliant_Floor_3991 / Via reddit.com

28.We totally have free speech in America.

Image contains a letter from a school regarding a student's suspension, with details of the offense and appeal instructions
u/AdhesivenessLanky638 / Via reddit.com

29.And we can definitely protest.

Sign at Mall of America issuing a final warning against unauthorized demonstration with threat of arrest for non-compliance
u/beet111 / Via reddit.com

30.We raise our kids with kindness and grace here.

Sign reads "Uncoachable kids become unemployable adults. Let your kids get used to someone being tough on them. It's life."
u/karmagheden / Via reddit.com

31.And finally, this is America in one photo.

Exterior of a single-story building with a gun shop sign and varied window advertisements. A car is parked on the side
u/50SPFGANG / Via reddit.com