21 Hilariously Angry Men Who Could Get Mad At Virtually Anything

Ah, Karens. We've all (unfortunately) become familiar with them and their infuriating ways.

Kate Gosselin looking shocked

But there are also male Karens (perhaps to be named Kens? Or Phillips?) who're a lot like their female counterparts — entitled, unreasonable, and loud about it.

The male Karen haircut

And yeah, a lot of them have this haircut.

u/speedylisus / Via reddit.com

So, my non-Karen friends, here are 21 absolutely infuriating male Karens who "Karened" as hard as they possibly could:

1.This super-tough male Karen made it known: HE. WILL. NOT. BE. TAILGATED!

"It won't be pleasant!"

2.This male Karen HATES Halloween decorations, saying, "If I see any untasteful (sic) decorations this year I will be contacting the authorities!":

"I am not joking..."
u/Bam_b00zled / Via reddit.com

3.This male Karen professor threw a fit over his students wearing hoodies to class:

"but here is a warning"

4.This male Karen went to war...online, with a plant-based milk company's social media manager:

"You're looking right at it, David."
u/Able_Estate_6101 / Via reddit.com

5.This male Karen — sigh — got his hackles up over a waitress wearing a rainbow pin, and then seriously went to the trouble of printing and distributing these flyers:

"Cafe hates Christians and traditional family values!"
u/evilmonkey2 / Via reddit.com

6.This male Karen threw a fit about not getting Happy Birthday wishes...on Facebook:

u/Shopping-Afraid / Via reddit.com

7.This male Karen and his girlfriend got tired on a hike so he left a bad online review of...a mountain:

"Very Steep and Too High"

8.And this male Karen left a similarly critical review of a waterfall:

"i suggest them to do something to the falls to make higher or more interesting ."

9.The male Karen estimated what he thought it'd cost to ship something, and when he was wrong, proceeded to GO OFF (because he couldn't possibly have been wrong):

"So he flings my money onto the floor..."
u/mingohaun · / Via reddit.com

10.This male Karen left a bad online review without being honest about exactly what happened:

"By the way I'm not the server, I'm the owner. Have a blessed day."

11.This male Karen gave some people trouble for talking on a train because he was trying to work...at 4:55 a.m.:

A man working on a train
u/Affectionate_Olive53 · / Via reddit.com

12.And this male Karen wanted everyone to know he won't apologize for being white:

A man holding up a sign that says "I will not apologize for being white"

13.This male Karen went into a tizzy over not being allowed to walk up on foot and order from the drive-thru window:

"I feel if you want my business you can make it easier on people trying to do business with you"

14.And this male Karen went ballistic after being asked for ID to buy alcohol:

"The 10 people behind me, not so much."

15.This male Karen didn't seem to get that making a cashier cry — and having other customers tell him he was being horrible — made him an asshole:

"AITA For yelling at a cashier"

16.This male Karen named Chad (maybe that should be the name) threw a stink over someone not cutting their grass in a timely fashion:

"Does anyone know who lives on the corner of ..."

17.And this male Karen gave an action movie a bad review because it had a female protagonist:

"A girls the main character, action movies are always and will always be better when its a man who's the main character the movie revolves around."

18.This male Karen threw a tantrum after his refusal to accept his grandson didn't go over well:

"My wife agrees with me that I shouldn't have to eat food I don't like..."

19.This male Karen left the worst review possible because he saw some employees outside a store on their lunch break:

"Employees outside goofing off."
u/xbdp / Via reddit.com

20.And this male Karen got a tough guy T-shirt to say what he thinks about masks and vaccines:

A man pushing a stroller and wearing a shirt that says "unmasked, unmuzzled, unvaccinated, unafraid"

21.This male Karen got veggies with his meal and is prepared to burn down the world over it:

"I will get my refund"

And before we go, let's settle the whole what should a "male Karen" be called right here...it should be a "Richard"! Not only did Richard follow a similar popularity arc as Karen (see below), but is often shortened to "Dick," which is frankly perfect!

kevinowdziej / Via reddit.com