16 Infuriating Tourists Who Decided Their Vacation Was The Only One That Mattered

While everyone is getting ready to embark on their holiday travels, let's just take a moment to remember how *not* to behave in public. To quote George Costanza, "You know, we're living in a society!!" Here are 16 pictures of travelers who think the whole world revolves around them:

1.Starting out strong with this comfy person who decided to sprawl out with his feet up on public transportation without any regard for the people standing up:

A man with his feet on a bench, blocking people from sitting
u/alongBolt / Via reddit.com

2.The hot mess travelers who left this even hotter mess:

A trashed train
u/clearedrandomroute / Via reddit.com

3.If you're traveling with your dog, prepare yourself for a certain, um, situation:

A dog peeing on the bus
u/economy-Grapefruit32 / Via reddit.com

4.Honestly, I'm much less offended by dogs than I am by THESE dogs barkin' on public transit:

Someone's foot peeking in someone's seat
u/bobal0ver / Via reddit.com


Someone's foot touching a man's arm
u/antoine14640 / Via reddit.com

6.Please don't throw your pistachio shells on the ground, thanks! —Management.

Pistachio shells on the floor
u/SiniCatiX / Via reddit.com

7.If you're going to stay awake on a long overnight flight while others are trying to sleep, just be a dear and crank that brightness down from a blinding 100%:

Someone using their laptop on a plane
u/m8remotion / Via reddit.com

8.This total lack of hair awareness (ahairness?):

Someone's hair hanging over their seat
u/spacedmountain / Via reddit.com

9.Whoever used the on-flight drink menu to dispose of their gum will not be seeing the pearly gates:

Someone's gum in a menu
u/Creampus / Via reddit.com

10.Whoever left this half-eaten snack for the next person on the bus to enjoy:

Food on a bus seat
u/kaydenwolf_lynx / Via reddit.com

11.If you go on a cruise, please don't be that guy who claims a chair by putting down a towel and then leaving for hours:

Towels on chairs

12.I have personal beef with any tourist that leaves more than just their footsteps on the beach:

Trash all over a beach
u/Regangibson212 / Via reddit.com

13.These tourists who said, "This sign can't stop me, because I can't read."

"Area closed"
u/Nosliw05 / Via reddit.com

14.I'm disappointed but not surprised by this massive line of people climbing while blissfully unaware they're directly next to a "Please don't climb" sign:

People climbing a hill they're not supposed to
u/mSryMrWilliams / Via reddit.com

15.Everyone looking at this painting was keeping a distance so they could all look at it — until this main character showed up:

A woman in everyone's way while looking at a painting
u/Krzyszkot / Via reddit.com

16.And finally, the tourists who were so rude to this business in Thailand that they had to make this sign:

"Don't complain about our English if you can't speak Thai"