13 Roommates Who Screwed With Each Other In The Funniest Way Possible, And 13 Who Were Just Plain Screwups

Roommates! If you're watching Friends or something, having a roommate can seem pretty great! In real life, though...let's just say results may vary.

Screenshot from "Friends"
Getty Images

Want to see what I mean? Let's start with some people who messed with their roommates in ways ranging from hilarious to seriously passive aggressive:

1.This guy had a roommate who was bringing over a lot of girls, so he put up this unflattering "post-coital survey":

"Isaac's Post-Coital Survey"
themedicd / Via reddit.com

2.And this roommate didn't have quite as many "guests," so his roomie slapped this sign onto his door:

"Faps Inside"
gideonindc / Via reddit.com

3.This roomie was tired of their dorm mate leaving poop stains on the toilet, so they sketched this:

"I will not leave skidmarks on the toilet."
JoltTeaOn / Via reddit.com

4.And this smartass of a roomie put googly eyes on their roommate's X-ray:

googly eyes on an X-ray
Guygan / Via reddit.com

5.This roomie made a much needed addition to their roommate's humidifier:

A drawing of eyes on a humidifier
raktoe / Via reddit.com

6.And this roomie put up a photo of Jack Nicholson from The Shining after their roommate punched a hole in the wall:

A photo of Jack Nicholson over a hole in the wall
morbidhoagie / Via reddit.com

7.This roomie expressed their distaste over their roommate eating their food in a subtle, but hilarious way:

"You ate my Pringles"
PLUSsignenergy / Via reddit.com

8.This roomie paid their share of the rent in ones:

A pile of $1 bills with a note
CoryVictorious / Via reddit.com

9.And this roomie — who I'm guessing isn't in the best of moods — paid like THIS:

Money on the counter spelling "Fuck You"
metallic_ark / Via reddit.com

10.This roomie had a pointed message for their roommate's Tinder dates:

"If my roommate met you on Tinder, you have no right to go through my fridge."
palegeo / Via reddit.com

11.These roomies got into a humorous yet passive aggressive tug-of-war:

"I don't want to risk it"
Z5555517 / Via reddit.com

12.These roommates aced the passive aggressive part, but the humorous part...not so much:

"Please stop leaving me passive-aggressive notes and talk to me."
thislittlelight / Via reddit.com

13.And this roomie with too much time on their hands subjected their roommate to the old "filled water cup" prank:

Water cups all over someone's room
-sUBzERoo- / Via reddit.com

OK! Now is the part of this post where the roommates get EVEN WORSE! Buckle up for:

14.This nightmare roommate who — instead of washing the communal dishes — just throws them away:

Dishes in the garbage
bjarbeau / Via reddit.com

15.And this roommate who left the potatoes they bought unused so long THIS happened:

Potatoes sprouting roots
Pretty_Track_7505 / Via reddit.com

16.This roommate who bites her butter then "mouth drops" it into the pan when she cooks (gag):

Butter with bite marks in it
deleted / Via reddit.com

17.And this roomie who eats in the shower and leaves food next to the shampoos and soaps:

Gushers in the shower
babymunchrr / Via reddit.com

18.This roommate who refuses to clean their rice cooker, and leaves it looking like this on the shared kitchen counter:

A rice cooker with mold in it
tshoe777 / Via reddit.com

19.And this roommate who stacks their trash in the corner of the kitchen until they're finally ready to throw it out:

Trash stacked on the floor
Hot_Salamander3795 / Via reddit.com

20.This roomie who is up at 4 a.m. making a LOT of noise:

"i stopped by the time you sent the message"
Hour-Function-7435 / Via reddit.com

21.And these roomies are out there just billing their roommate for stuff they never even agreed to:

"I have additional bills this month, and this is outside my budget."
Fml2023 / Via reddit.com

22.This roomie decided it was totally cool to wipe off their makeup using their roommate's towels:

makeup stains on someone's towel
shortylikeamelody / Via reddit.com

23.And this roomie — gag! — used their roommate's toothbrush:

A toothbrush on the sink
XNoOneLovesYouX / Via reddit.com

24.This roommate ate chips in the common area and left it looking like this:

Chips all over a chair and the floor
bloated_toad_4000 / Via reddit.com

25.This nightmare of a roomie refuse to do the dishes, so this is what greeted their roommate:

A pile of dirty dishes in the sink
CartoonThinking / Via reddit.com

26.And lastly, this roommate — you can't make this stuff up — is making alcohol in their shared room, and it has started to smell very, very strangely:

A jar of liquid surrounded by towels
donib11 / Via reddit.com