Zarul Umbrella applauds MH122 cabin crew handling of disruptive passenger



17 Aug – Umbrella's vocalist Zarul recently congratulate the crew of flight MH122 for a job well done in handling a problematic passenger during its flight from Sydney, Australia to Kuala Lumpur.

The singer, who is also a former flight attendant of Malaysia Airlines, expressed his pride over the crew's calm manner when dealing with a passenger who was being disruptive on board.

"This kind of passenger needs to be monitored and treated with care, and not to let him harass others. We are not to make things worse. No matter what the actual story was, the lesson here is that we should be proud of the professionalism shown by the crew," he said.

Zarul, real name Zairulkefli Husin, also applauded the pilot for making the decision to turn around and return to Sydney so that the case can be investigated by the police.

In an incident that occurred on 15 August, a 45-year-old Canberra resident was seen ranting and pretending to have a weapon on board the said flight that was carrying 199 passengers and 12 crew members, prompting the flight captain to return to Sydney Airport, where the man was detained by the police.


Zarul was a flight attendant for MAS for 17 years
Zarul was a flight attendant for MAS for 17 years


(Photo Source: Zarul Umbrella IG)