Yuan Authentic Thai Stewed Beef Noodle: Thai beef noodles, tom yum noodles & century egg salad by native Chiang Rai hawker

I was back at Ghim Moh Market & Food Centre in search of Yuan Authentic Thai Stewed Beef Noodle, a stall opened by a native Thai lady. It was only 10.50am in the morning and the hawker centre was already bustling with the local community (such a pleasant sight).

yuan authentic - food centre
yuan authentic - food centre

After exploring the premises like I was searching for lost treasure, I finally found the unassuming stall and saw 2 ladies inside. The brightly-lit white signboard and menu board were clearly displayed at the stall front.

yuan authentic - stall front
yuan authentic - stall front

Working behind the scenes, cooking her heart away was 52-year-old stall owner, Debbie Inlayot (pictured wearing grey) and her Thai assistant. Debbie is from Chiang Rai and has kept Yuan Authentic Thai Stewed Beef Noodle running for the past 4 years.

yuan authentic - stall owner
yuan authentic - stall owner

She told me that her husband, who is Singaporean, also sells fried Hokkien Mee at the same hawker centre— wow! Talk about a chef couple!

What I tried at Yuan Authentic Thai Stewed Beef Noodle

yuan authentic - closeup of salad making
yuan authentic - closeup of salad making
yuan authentic - century egg salad
yuan authentic - century egg salad

The first dish I savoured was the Century Egg Salad (S$5 for small). I watched as Debbie’s assistant tossed sliced raw shallots, chilli padi, coriander, and fish sauce into a bowl. She then slathered the marinade onto the freshly-cut century eggs with pieces of lettuce on the side.

yuan authentic - century egg salad inside
yuan authentic - century egg salad inside

I pried open the thick layer of herbs above the charcoal-coloured goodies and spooned over some of the fish sauce from below to enhance the flavour of the eggs.

The mingling of the raw shallot’s sharp notes, lime-like flavours from the coriander, savouriness of the fish sauce, and the subtle heat coming from the sliced chilli padi was a multi-sensory experience.

yuan authentic - century egg closeup
yuan authentic - century egg closeup

Take all of what I just mentioned, and throw a quartered century egg into the mix… You’ll get a refreshing and unique-tasting appetiser.

With our palates reinvigorated, we were ready for our main meal, starting with the dry Thai Beef Combination Noodle (S$6 for small). The bowl consisted of sen lek (Thai rice sticks), beef slices, stewed beef pieces, tendon, 2 beef balls, beansprouts, garlic flakes, Thai basil, spring onions, and a slightly viscous gravy on the side.

yuan authentic - thai beef combination
yuan authentic - thai beef combination

I got a pleasant surprise when I tossed the ingredients like a mini yu sheng. Even though it was a small bowl, Debbie didn’t skimp on the ingredients.

yuan authentic - thai beef mixing
yuan authentic - thai beef mixing

The sen lek noodles, similar to those used in boat noodles, had an addictive chewy texture and had absorbed all the flavours of the gravy. The slightly bitter and liquorice flavours of the Thai basil leaves added a herby taste, while the garlic flakes added a subtle fragrance to the noodles.

yuan authentic - sen lek
yuan authentic - sen lek

The stewed beef pieces instantly disintegrated in my mouth like they had been simmered in stock for the whole day. The tendon was also ultra tender. Even my dad, who usually has a tough time chewing on meat, had no problems eating all of the beef. He was impressed that they were all so soft.

yuan authentic - stewed beef parts
yuan authentic - stewed beef parts

Perhaps my only gripe would be the beef balls. They were slightly on the tougher side and didn’t really taste of anything.

yuan authentic - beef ball
yuan authentic - beef ball

Since I had ordered a dry version, the Thai Beef Combination Noodle came with a separate bowl of soup. My eyes opened wide as I took my first sip. It was intensely beefy and hearty like a well-executed beef consommé. Simply divine!

yuan authentic - stock
yuan authentic - stock

The last dish we had was the Thai Stewed Beef Noodle (S$5 for small). To add a bit of variety, I ordered the soup version and opted for kway teow. The other ingredients that came with it were stewed beef slices, bean sprouts, garlic flakes, Thai basil and spring onions.

yuan authentic - stewed beef
yuan authentic - stewed beef

We mixed the bowl and, as with the previous dish, it was filled with a generous quantity of ingredients. The kway teow was silky smooth and the bean sprouts added an element of crunch.

yuan authentic - stewed beef mix
yuan authentic - stewed beef mix

Unlike the robust-flavoured soup that I had earlier, the soup used in this dish was slightly sweeter and much lighter in taste.

yuan authentic - soup closeup
yuan authentic - soup closeup
yuan authentic - meat
yuan authentic - meat

The satisfying chunks of stewed beef blew me away once again. If I had closed my eyes and blocked out all the surrounding sounds, I would have thought that I was in Bangkok having noodles on the street.

Final thoughts

yuan authentic - overview
yuan authentic - overview

I truly enjoyed all the dishes that I tried. The Century Egg Salad was a breath of fresh air for me. I found it puzzling that the stall didn’t really have a queue situation because everything I had was above average.

Come relish in a little piece of Thailand over at Ghim Moh Market & Food Centre. It was certainly a trip worth making.

Expected damage: S$4 – S$11 per pax

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