What's The Most "Zillow Gone Wild" Thing You Saw In A House While Looking For A Home To Buy?

For many of us, homeownership feels like a distant dream. But if you've been house hunting or even just lived vicariously through online real estate listings, you may have felt like you were on an episode of Zillow Gone Wild.

Jack McBrayer and two others in a dimly lit bar with a pirate-themed decor. One person is laughing, another is holding a phone, and the third appears to be explaining something on an episode of "Zillow Gone Wild"
HGTV / Via Max

For example, in a house some of my family members looked at a few years ago, all of the bedrooms except for the primary one were lofts in the living room. Like, if you lived there, your children would have to climb steep ladders to get to their rooms—and they didn't have walls.

Modern loft apartment with industrial decor, featuring a spacious open living area with a dark sofa, coffee table, plants, and a mezzanine bedroom above
Vicnt / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Another listing they looked at online had several porch swings suspended from the ceiling inside, where most people would put couches.

wooden swing bench with patterned pillows, surrounded by greenery in a garden setting
Yobro10 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

And when a friend I grew up with moved to town, their family looked at a divorcing couple's house that had a nude portrait of the wife painted on the bedroom wall.

Person in overalls on a suspended platform painting a large mural of a woman with long hair on a brick wall
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

So, what's the wildest home feature you've seen while househunting? Share your answers in the comments, and they may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!