Your Weekly Horoscope for 20th August to 26th August 2023


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These are predictions based on SunSign. To get your personalised prediction, as per your birth chart, Talk To Our Expert Astrologer. Click here.

Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) : There might be a sudden difference of opinion with a partner. You should work on forgiving yourself when you make errors and showing your partner gratitude. The marriage relationship might become more positive as a result. Before making significant moves in your relationships this week, use caution. It is suggested that you obtain legal counsel and appropriate documentation evidence. Some of you could experience an unexpected property gain from a relative. Your financial situation would be mediocre overall this week. Your previous planning would help you preserve your savings and expenses. Mars and Mercury are telling you to eat a healthy, light diet to get rid of the discomfort you're feeling when you're trying to sleep and to do some light exercise to get rid of the ache. The movement of the moon advises you to stay out of office politics and refrain from criticizing other people's errors. Maintaining your regular routine would prevent obstacles from disrupting you.

Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May ) : You need to maintain a balance between your personal and professional life. There could be a workload and busy schedule which might give challenges in your relationship and professional life as well. Have a prior plan for this week so that you might not get stressed and enjoy your week. The period between Augusts would give success in a love relationship. In terms of marital life, Rahu suggests you avoid a demanding nature and also give some free space in marital life so that your partner should feel comfortable with you. To ensure that things run smoothly at work, Sun and Venus movement advises you to push your ego aside and be realistic. Arguments with senior women at work might result in unexpected difficulties. Because of the possibility of spending on your children's schooling or shopping due to Mercury and Sun’s movement, it is advisable that you have a previous plan for expenditures connected to your children. There might be expenses for those who are associated with your hobbies.

Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June ) : This week, you should have a plan in place for both your personal and professional obligations. You might get hit with an unexpectedly large amount of work, which might have an impact on both your health and your personal life. It would be beneficial to work on a priority list so that you might easily manage everything that comes your way. When it comes to your romantic life, Venus and the Sun might cause ego clashes and pointless arguments, so it's important to have a grounded personality. This week, you might have an unexpected financial outlay associated with acquiring new skills. There is a possibility that some of you might incur costs related to friends and siblings. There is a possibility that some of you might be hired and have success in an interview regarding a foreign country. Colleagues might provide support, but ego conflicts might sometimes have a negative impact on the atmosphere of the workplace. Stay out of an argument with a coworker. There is a possibility of some disruption in the coming week due to Ketu and the Moon, but overall, things might gradually get better for students. Investigating the topic at hand might bring the desired results.

Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July ) : This week is perfect for a quick jaunt across the country with your loved one. You should spend time with your partner in a meaningful way. You might find yourself in a relationship that leads to marriage all of a sudden. It's possible that getting used to the new changes in your curriculum might present some difficulties. Success can be attained through the pursuit of technical education. There is the potential for one to have an interest in work that is related to research. To pass the test, try to be optimistic and take small steps. Be consistent with your self-study and follow your daily schedule. In the beginning, you have the option of getting your money back and any money borrowed from friends that you might have been expecting. The week may be significant for family-related spending or interior changes. Avoid making any significant decisions regarding real estate or housing, according to Mars' motion. Avoiding ego clashes at work was advised by the Sun and Venus movements. If you are considering changing jobs, this week is a good time to do it. Try to develop your knowledge and skills so that you can get hired and promoted at work.

Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August ) : There may be financial gain from the maternal family under the influence of Mars and Jupiter transit. There are chances of financial gain from the father or you may ask for financial help from the father. But this is likely to come with some delay. You may learn to make an investment with the help of your father and siblings. It is best for you to work and implement the plan of your business partner as this can give you financial gain. Also, there are chances of foreign travel or long journeys related to the business deal. It is advisable to clear the pending work first before taking new responsibility. Jupiter transit can give distance learning courses. There can be success in digital marketing or at online learning platforms. Some of you may get delayed in the government-related examination under the influence of Sun transit. There can be a small get together and celebration in the family, and this may enhance the happiness. Jupiter is likely to give a good time with your spouse.

Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September ) : Ketu and Moon's movement advised you to avoid aggressive conversation that can affect your health. Mars movement indicating that you should avoid argument and excessive use of electronic gadgets before going to sleep. Married couple should not get aggressive on small things. Try to give space to your partner so that the things will go peaceful in the relationship. You might get a distant relationship with your spouse because of workload or because of miscommunication as indicated by Rahu and Saturn. Chances of change in the interior which can give financial expenditure. There can be financial expenditure on office related to your business. Mother’s guidance will also give good financial gain in business. Disagreement with senior can give stress at work. Commitment and the deadline are going to play an important role in the workplace. You need to work on priority-based so that you will not get workaholic or stress because of workload. Avoid argument with your friends and do self-study rather than getting into argument in group study. This week you need to work on skill improvement. Learning a new skill will be there which will give recognition with the success in the examination.

To read your detailed weekly horoscope, Click here.

Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October ) : You would get happiness and satisfaction in your relationship. Also, friends would render support. You will get good planetary support for your wealth and finances in this period. Here, you will have a clear vision of your financial future. You will have the major progress in terms of career and management related activities. Progressive forces will work effectively and extremely strong during this week. You will have wonderful prospects for your academic development. Planetary aspects are advantageous and your intellectual skills will be wonderful. Excessive work might result in physical pain and exhaustion, which is why you manage your routine. You will have problems related to your physical health and wellbeing.

Scorpio( 23rd October to 22nd November ) : You might experience love and joy this week. Your social life will be active, and you and your loved one are likely to experience some amazing times together. The stars predict a fantastic cash flow for the entire week. Additionally, your financial savvy may support your success. The results from investments and speculation will be favorable. For job possibilities, this week is probably going to be very positive. Incentives and promotions are possible this week. If you are in business, you can take advantage of this time to grow your enterprise and boost sales. The future of education does not look promising. You get somewhat dull and drowsy due to planetary effects. You might not have a strong support system, which would make you feel under pressure this time. Your health may not fare well this week. Health issues may arise, especially during the time after this week's midpoint.

Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December ) : Significant snags will arise in your marriage or partnership. The stars will, however, favor the singles, and there is a potential that they will find true love. Your financial situation, including your budget, will be shielded by the stars. You will have the chance to make both successful investments and a sizable profit. If you work for yourself, this week will be fantastic. It's a great moment to be a businessperson, especially if you work with clients from other countries. In the beginning, your academic progress could be sluggish. In the first half of the week, there will be a lot of interest in out-of-town extracurricular activities. As the week goes on, though, your attention will inevitably turn back to your studies. Your overall health will be superb. Your lifestyle will undergo some significant beneficial modifications that will keep you energized and enthusiastic.

Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January ) : Your romantic life may experience delight and happiness this week. The period will be a little challenging till midweek, so you might need to take your time. Married couples will need to manage their relationships deftly and rationally. Planetary factors will continue to be advantageous for your money affairs this week. Throughout this week, things should go well gradually. However, disruption or disagreements over an old investment could cause you to lose track of your plans. Your career is likely to be significantly impacted by this week. Complex career-related conditions could result from it. If you are in business, you will need to work really hard and make many efforts to be successful. You may be able to move forward with your studies at this point with greater assurance and enthusiasm. Consequently, it will assist you in making outstanding academic success. The influence of the stars on your health this week will be significantly more favorable. You'll be able to address the issue and implement a remedy thanks to the position of the stars.

Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February ) : Throughout this week, you'll pay close attention to your feelings and thoughts. Enjoy your newfound awareness of yourself. Pay attention to your loved ones, a friend, or a family member who is in need. Your family, friends, or previous investments may bring you financial gains. Your confidence would increase because of the favorable outcomes and constructive adjustments throughout this time. Your profession will go through a period of testing, but you must not lose hope. Toward the end of this week, you'll feel inspired to work hard. This time, business people might need to exercise prudence. Studies this week could go well, especially for more demanding pupils. Your teachers or mentors will aid you in succeeding. You might experience better health and fitness this week. However, you should take proper care of your health if you have asthma, skin, or nervous system conditions.

Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March ) : Since there is a chance for a new connection, this week seems ideal for singles. If you've been hoping for their approval, they might give it to you this week. The love and passion vibes may be greater this entire week for married couples as well. Your finances and riches may continue to be in good hands this week. Your shrewd decisions may enable you to seize possibilities that present themselves. Planets imply a rise in your personal and household income. This week, there may be a general feeling of optimism at work. Depending on your skills, you might be given a significant task over the weekend. This week, businesspeople shouldn't rush into any negotiations. You may move forward in your studies with enthusiasm and high confidence. Your interest might grow, and you'll probably perform better overall in your studies. You may experience a few small health issues as the week gets started, but they are not likely to be life-threatening and may be resolved if you are disciplined and committed to maintaining your fitness.

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