Lin Yun wants people to remember Stephen Chow as a handsome actor

24 Jun - Never one to miss her mentor's birthday, Jelly Lin Yun recently took to social media to wish Stephen Chow a happy 62nd birthday.

On 22 June, "The Mermaid" star posted a series of photos of Stephen as a young man, and wrote, "Happy birthday!! The other day I saw a sentence saying 'Many people ignore Stephen Chow's looks because of how funny he is', and I thought it makes sense. So here are the handsome photos I collected from the entire Internet for everyone to enjoy."

"I hope everyone will always remember the handsome Stephen Chow!" she added.

Netizens took to social media to wish Stephen a happy birthday as well, and praised Lin Yun for her dedication in wishing the comedy auteur for the ninth consecutive year.

"Lin Yun is Stephen Chow's biggest fan on this day every year," said one netizen.

Another posted, "Lin Yun, Stephen Chow's publicity committee member."

The actress made her acting debut by being the lead in Stephen's "The Mermaid" in 2016. Since then, she had become the IT girl and the top choice of many brands.

The actress became famous after starring in 'The Mermaid'
The actress became famous after starring in 'The Mermaid'

(Photo Source: Lin Yun Weibo, Oriental Daily)