Your Weekly Horoscope for 18th August to 24th August 2024


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These are predictions based on SunSign. To get your personalised prediction, as per your birth chart, Talk To Our Expert Astrologer. Click here.

Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) : You will see success in your job or business. You are most likely to see luck favoring you in matters related to your job or business. This is also a good phase to look for a new career option. There will be steady improvement in your earning and saving potential during this week. Venus will remain favorable to boost your financial strength. But the energy of Mars will be contracting instead of expanding in the beginning of this week and you likely feel weary or unsettled with some issues in your relationship. More intense ideas can come into play around the weekend. You need to take care of yourself and pay attention to your health as hectic schedules may affect your energy levels. It will be a good week for you to explore a new area of knowledge and a good time to study some new courses to advance your beliefs and your knowledge.

Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May ) : Saturn this week will demand patience, dedication, thoroughness and meticulous attention. Expansive impact of planets may bring motivation as the week progresses. An unexpected gift or financial gains or sudden windfall of cash may be headed your way as Venus will bless you with some golden opportunity. Do not waste this precious period. Invest the money wisely. Get some expert advice and avoid risky speculation. If you are the one who silently hope for your long lost love or crush to make a comeback in your life, then this could be the week when your dream may be fulfilled. You may have good fitness level during this week. Here you need to relax instead of trying to part of a group and getting into undesirable habits. Mercury will demand you to change the way you work in your studies. Do not stretch yourself beyond your limits. Spend some time with friends and loved ones who give you the required motivation to move ahead in life.

Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June ) : Saturn indicates that you will be under pressure to perform and your efforts will be watched. If you are in business and have been facing some obstacles, then now is the time to take decisive steps to march forward. No matter what others think of you, do your best always to remember that your effort will matters eventually. If you work without a budget, some constraints will be felt during the latter part of this week which will shock you. All the health issues even if they are minor should be attended to immediately so as to prevent them from becoming serious. You may feel somewhat insecure or impatient with regards to some important ongoing projects in your studies during this week. Guidance of your mentors will be the top priority to avoid major disruptions.

Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July ) : The time for action will begin now at your career front, indicates Mars. You can take a good look at what should be done to increase your growth speed. Smart work in business will do more good than exhausting hard work. This week will be much better for your financial status. Now, you will be keen to put in a sound, long term investment strategy for the period ahead. Despite a positive beginning of this week, you may remain concerned with family related matters and your love relationship. Mars may also cause some disruptions every now and then. However, your performance will improve and hence now you will have higher chances of growth in your academic pursuits. There are no major health issues envisaged in this week. However, you might feel some uneasiness during the ending phase of this week.

Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August ) : Jupiter is likely to bring some good opportunities for growth and gain during this week. The week looks very important for your career and may have significant positive impact on your business as well. You may be able to resolve some important pending issues related to your investments and assets during this week. You may see your seeds for long-term dreams, goals and ambitions begin to sprout. Your romantic status may improve during this week. Mercury will be making your relationship stronger or you may meet someone special this week which will boost your relationship destiny. Mercury also indicates that you would not leave any stone unturned and hence your chances to achieve success in your studies are likely to get brighter. Some emotional issues might affect your health but, your strong immune system may help you to manage your energy level efficiently

Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September ) : Some complications caused by South Node can put you in discomfort in the beginning of this week. Do not get overly worked up to correct things and run the show smoothly. All the things should synchronise in place, so perfect result can be obtained. This week would grant you some good growth besides which some financial gains are also possible. However, Mars may also prompt you to take some ambitious decisions for quick gain during the later part which you must avoid in order to achieve your goals during this week. The impact of Jupiter is likely to bring clarity and hence you can expect to have better understanding about your relationship and personal environment. Some good timely guidance will help you improve your performance in your studies during this week. Though you will have ample planetary support to maintain your health, make sure that you practice strict discipline in your diet.

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Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October ) : Mercury will keep presenting encouraging opportunities, which will help you strike profitable deals. But you must keep in mind that in the beginning of this week troubles may zoom if you take hasty or abrupt route to achieve your goals. There may be some good earning opportunities for you during this week. Mid-week will be a favourable time for you hence be ready to take a new leap. The impact of Venus will encourage you to build harmony and good family relations. Go for a little cozy outing, if you can, around the middle of this week. Your curiosity and dedication may help you to improve your unique skills and reputation further in your studies. Planetary influences might make you somewhat careless about your health during this week. Irregular eating habits or over-indulgence may cause some health issues.

Scorpio( 23rd October to 22nd November ) : You are likely to face some complicated issues at your work place. Taking stress or unnecessary burden may affect your prospects and objectives. If you are in business, be careful in your dealings with associates and those in authority as Mercury may cause some turbulence here. It would be better to avoid making any major financial move during this week. You may get good chances to share some happy times with your beloved. You may plan something special for your mate. Your intelligence and hard work will help you flourish in your studies and examination. It will be important for you to expand horizons and take advantage of the knowledge or skills brought into your sphere. In the beginning of this week, you might feel some uneasiness. As the week approaches its end, it will work well in your favour and help you remaining fit enough.

Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December ) : As the week begins, Saturn will bring some fresh challenges and demanding situations at your work place. You will have much better planetary support to make progress after mid-week. If you are doing business, you can expect positive response from clients and hence productivity as well as business growth will increase significantly as the week approaches ending part. You must avoid lending and borrowings during the middle of this week as the impact of South Node can be misleading. You may be inclined to engage in voluntary developmental and cultural activities during this week. This would enhance your character and help you to build your confidence in studies. Your health is likely to improve to quite an extent during this week. Due to your awareness, efforts and dedication, robust health is foreseen for you.

Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January ) : Saturn is likely to enhance your career prospects gradually. Planets are positioned well enough to support efforts if you are doing business. Level of problems may start diffusing as the week progresses and you are likely to get some good opportunities for progress. Some clever financial move by you may bear encouraging results during this week. However, some new challenges need to be accepted to remain ahead in race. The period during the latter part of this week seems to be a pleasant as everything will go well in your love life due to the blessings of Venus. Though you may have enough planetary support during this week, negligence or laziness can lead you to repents. Your health will remain satisfactory but the best way to keep yourself healthy is to maintain your diet and avoid stress.

Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February ) : The impact of Venus foretells a happy and progressive phase for career development. Social contacts will also help you to further your career prospects. In addition to financial prosperity, job satisfaction will be excellent. However, differences in financial strategies with your family members and partners can affect the cash flow, indicates Mercury. Your love life will be very much harmonious and passionate during this week. But there is a possibility that your relationship may get disturbed by some interference around the middle of this week. In the beginning of this week, the impact of North Node does not foretell good times for the educational development. Competitive examinations may also require more than normal effort and extra guidance to clear. Saturn in the beginning of this week will bring vicissitudes in health. It will draw your attention to some old health issues affecting your fitness.

Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March ) : Saturn is likely to bring hurdles and obstacles at career front. This brings about some unexpected issues in your professional life. If you are in business, you need to have a practical and more stable approach towards it. You will have many plans regarding the expansion of your horizon. However, you will have to act with caution while making important financial decisions. There are plenty of occasion to enjoy quality time with your family and friends this week. However, the middle of this week can be tricky, suggests Mercury. This is a good week for your education. If you are trying to get admission in reputed college or institution, you are likely to get success this time around. This week seems somewhat tricky for your health and fitness hence you should be cautious and should not venture into risky activities.

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