Your Weekly Horoscope for 12th November to 18th November 2023


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These are predictions based on SunSign. To get your personalised prediction, as per your birth chart, Talk To Our Expert Astrologer. Click here.

Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) : You would discover this week the value of engaging in outdoor activities or connecting with nature through morning or evening walks and their positive effects on health. This might provide a fresh perspective on leading a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining relationships with your in-laws requires attention, and having casual gatherings with them might allow you to do so. Not a good moment to be employed in the fashion or creative industries. When making a big investment in this company for this week, use caution. Working on construction-related projects at the office might put you in a difficult financial scenario. A financial loss would result from legal issues. Businesses and careers involving medical products would prosper. The blessings of Jupiter and Saturn this week might also help those of you who desire to pursue a freelance or independent job.

Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May ) : Overall, this week is going to be important for your career and business. The commercial deal might be finalised after an important meeting with top management. This week, you have more expenses than savings. In the next few days, you must be cautious with your money and finances. You might not have the savings that you anticipated. Learning occult science would cost you money. This week would bring you numerous ups and downs in your relationship. Mars relationships might cause divorce or an explosion of wrath in a married partnership. Because to Mars and Mercury, there might be an unexpected argument at work throughout November. Some of you who are doing research would be successful and acquire a wonderful career chance. Vehicle repairs might incur money. The middle of this week in November would bring some health-related expenses as well as mortgage concerns that may cause you tension.

Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June ) : Mars and Sun might give you the energy to work long hours and the drive to succeed. This week, you might get some good and anticipated results, so be optimistic and do your best. Saturn might continue to be in the same position, so it might require a lot of effort and perseverance. Venus and Ketu's marriage-related motion is not very favourable. Over-expectation or feeling detached from a partner can cause marital and love-life stress. This week, you should give something up or make a compromise to improve your relationship and get things under control. You can overcome debt-related problems with the assistance of the Sun and Mars movements. Business expansion and new projects both have the potential to result in a spike in workload. This week should be successful for medical students, people training for government jobs, and people seeking jobs associated with the police department. Saturn might remain in its current position, so it might require perseverance and hard work. You'll have fun and successfully overcome obstacles. Before going for a new job or interview, do your research and prepare well because the outcome may take a while to come or the positive outcome may require more work.

Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July ) : You were advised by Venus and Ketu to pay attention to your health, as failing to do so could result in unanticipated costs. Those of you who are in the business world ought to exercise caution before making significant investments and ensure that you have done the necessary checking. There is the possibility of incurring expenses related to advertising and other aspects of your business. There is potential for this to yield favourable returns. There may be a communication breakdown with your spouse. Be humble and work to make things right between you and your partner. Stay out of discussions about the mistakes you've made in the past that have affected your marriage to prevent conflict with your partner. There may be some costs associated with your business and related to advertising. This may yield fruitful results. This week, you should exercise caution when making calls and sending mail. A difficult situation may arise due to miscommunication. The movement of the Sun and Mars might result in expected career success. Some of you might succeed on a test with a medical component. Mars can help you succeed in exams for the government. Jupiter is able to offer advice and mentorship.

Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August ) : You should avoid major investment in land and property this week. Loan-related matter can give unplanned expenditure. If you are planning to get a loan that can be sanction easily. Chances of promotion are good. Be attentive and active in the workplace. Try to have a good relationship with your senior. You might get a new opportunity for the job from the previous company/job. Your senior will support you at the workplace in the new project at the workplace. You need to have a positive approach and patience while having a conversation with them. Some of you might get selection in your college campus and appreciation from your friend's circle can be there. You will have small celebration at home with family and spouse. There can be small get together with in-laws which can give a memorable week to you. Teeth related health issues be there. You should go for a routine checkup for this week. Keep track on your thoughts and don’t get influenced with bad people. You may get stuck with negative thoughts and feeling of helplessness.

Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September ) : Moon movement can give comfort and happiness for this week. Spend quality time with your family and friends. You are advised to take a small break from your busy schedule and live some relaxed moment for yourself only. This can give support to you to have good health. Give some time to understand your new relationship don’t make any judgment in a hurry as stars are predicting. Some conflict in romantic life. Emotional detachment can be there. There can be communication gap in a love relationship. Try not to blame each other's mistakes. Some expenditure on travelling will be there. Not a favourable week to give money as a loan to your siblings and friends. Avoid negative thinking and don’t get into an unnecessary debate this can distract your focus and attention from your study.

To read your detailed weekly horoscope, Click here.

Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October ) : You can expect positive results regarding matters related to your relationship. Social gatherings will also very positive for you at this time. You may get timely support from your family and friends. This week would expand your horizon and leading you to better earning opportunities. Your financial status will improve gradually. Your performance will improve gradually during the latter part of this week. Try to bridge the gap of communication in your workplace and be friendly with everyone to make progress. Planetary aspects are favorable and will make your learning easier. Professional students will excel in their courses. You will be keen to improve your fitness levels now. It will have a significant positive impact on your energy level.

Scorpio( 23rd October to 22nd November ) : Your love life and relationships will have a great time. In a marriage, there will be passion and romance. This week may present some excellent chances for monetary advantages. Additionally, this is a wonderful moment to purchase a house, a piece of land, or a car. You might have some delays and challenges at work at the start of this week. You must use your creative thinking to solve some challenging problems. You might need to hold off until this week's conclusion, when more benevolent cosmic forces could come your way. You might be able to study a variety of things rapidly because to your strong grasping abilities. To succeed in your academic objectives for this week, you must direct your efforts in the appropriate direction. Your fitness and well-being could be enhanced by the planets. Your energy levels will also increase significantly.

Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December ) : This week can be good for your romantic life and relationship. The planetary assistance for singles will result in fresh starts for joy and contentment. The planetary influence encourages you to pay close attention to how your reputation affects your finances. Your patience will eventually pay off handsomely. This week's effects of the stars on your career will be a lot more soothing for you. Even if things may have been a little difficult lately, this week will bring you some good things. Around the middle of this week, a problem might arise if you own a firm. Your studies will continue to receive favors from the planets this week. Any competitive exams could be taken at this time, as there are better chances of success. This week, the good effects of the stars will make your health strong.

Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January ) : If you are too constrained this week, the stars can make you restless. You might also experience the weight of your obligations. As long as egos don't get in the way of your relationships, this week's later half will be better. Your financial situation may continue to be favored by the stars this week. But you must exercise patience and abide by your plan. Around the weekend, you might have some fantastic earning chances. This week's horoscope predicts that your career is likely to prosper. If you don't take careless risks, you'll reap some good rewards. You will have plenty of support from the planets this week as you develop new skills. Your knowledge base will grow as a result. Despite possible interruptions in the midst of this week, you might excel in your studies greatly. This week, your energy level will be superb. The good news is that you will be much more conscious of your fitness and health concerns. You will therefore find it very simple to address some long-standing issues.

Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February ) : Your friends and family will provide you with supportive encouragement. Positive attitudes, sustained high levels of energy, and the best possible overall quality of life will be experienced. The week may start off well financially, but this week's planetary alignments will make you overly optimistic about finding quick gains. You must refrain from taking any excessive risks because if you do, it will be tough for you to back out of your commitments. Your career will benefit from this coming week. At work, you'll enjoy having authority and power, and helping out your coworkers might even make you feel good in the moment. Businesspeople will provide the foundation for future prominence and glory. The planets will aid in keeping your attention on your academics. You'll be able to concentrate while you study. This week is probably going to be better for your health. You are predicted to have good health as the week goes on.

Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March ) : The planetary movements may continue to be favourable for someone already in a romantic relationship to enjoy the delights of physical closeness. One who is single may feel pressure from pressing family-related issues. This week is likely to bring you favourable circumstances relating to your finances. You might be able to effectively manage your cash resources. There are some scenarios at work that will annoy and distract you frequently. In the latter part of this week, businesspeople may have some fantastic prospects for development and income. You'll be inspired to do well in your studies by the planets. You may continue studying with a lot of enthusiasm. Additionally, the planets will support your motivation and self-assurance amid some challenging times. This week, planetary influences will continue to be largely in your favour, which means that your health is likely to get better.

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