Your Weekly Horoscope for 10th September to 16th September 2023


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These are predictions based on SunSign. To get your personalised prediction, as per your birth chart, Talk To Our Expert Astrologer. Click here.

Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) : Due to restrictions or unreasonable expectations in the marriage, Sun and Ketu might end the marriage. Those of you going through a divorce might benefit from that process. Planetary transits indicate that health expenses might incur. Sun might provide financial support this week from maternal relatives or from competitors in business. Investments in the stock market could help you succeed financially. Avoid negative thinking and conflict since they might affect your bodily well-being. Try to surround yourself with good vibes and happy people. Avoid responding to the government authorities in an aggressive manner as this might provide you with unknown issues. You are encouraged to remain alert and upbeat at work because there might be misunderstandings caused by your ignorance. With the Venus and Jupiter transit, you could be more inclined to learn how to sing, which might help you succeed in your work. The upcoming tournament would be won by the sports students. Due to having different opinions from your family members, you could experience arguments.

Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May ) : You should not anticipate anything more than your job because this might create problems at work. Try to be optimistic this week and avoid getting into a dispute. If you are not comfortable exercising outside, begin performing yoga at home. Your children's health might cause you anxiety. Mars and Ketu might cause workplace aggressiveness, so you should be patient and optimistic. Health should be prioritised, and Mars transit might cause stomach aches, so watch your diet and incorporate fruits and green vegetables. Those of you who are in love might get hitched. Success in a competitive exam will be there. Recognition and appreciation would be there with the blessings of Mercury. This week is not a favourable time to make major investments and decisions related to money. Some of you might face financial shortages and loan related issues can be there.

Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June ) : During this week, you need to approach your work with careful planning and a constructive mindset. There are certain configurations of the planets that are challenging, which might cause unneeded stress and obstacles. To bring about the changes you desire in your life and to get things moving in the right direction, it is a good idea to begin each day with some form of positive affirmation. The movements of Ketu and Mars advise you to avoid being aggressive and to pay attention to your health. However, the blessings of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus might produce some positive results. The Ketu and Mars conjunction might not favourably affect romantic relationships. Because of outside interference, there may be misunderstandings and ambiguous challenges. Unexpected costs for children may arise for some of you. On your list of expenses, you might include remodelling or new technology. Students may succeed in medical or research-related fields thanks to the movements of Ketu and Rahu and the Moon's influence. A greater effort and level of focus are required for the competitive exam. Avoid pointless conflict to prevent stress from building up because stress and conflict might cause health problems that might affect the planetary alignment.

Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July ) : It's possible to learn to drive. Success is possible in written and government exams. Ketu and Mars may have different thoughts than your parents, so you should have a direct and healthy conversation with them so that you can share your ideas and plans. Your expected savings may come through this week, but Mars and Ketu caution you to watch your spending. You're going to make a sizable investment in real estate, but you should be cautious about making the final payment clear with all the legal terms as Mercury gives hints, and you should have an open dialogue with the opposing party. As Venus and the Sun, both indicate, this week may be stressful due to relationship problems brought on by misunderstandings or unneeded arguments with family members. It would be best to avoid an unnecessary argument as you might become involved in a divorce-related issue. You've got a full schedule this week. The workplace has undergone numerous changes. It's possible to communicate with higher-ups. Success in a career involving legal issues is likely, and the desired outcome might be simple to obtain. The workload can cause stress, so make it a priority to complete the work without delay.

Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August ) : You are likely to get mixed results both at the personal and professional front. The paternal property may give financial gain to you. Religious work and the foreign trips may also give unplanned expenditures. It is best to avoid major investment in the share market without expert suggestion. Try to be patient so that you may restrict making mistakes while finalizing any deal related to your work. There may be a sudden disagreement with the boss, which can increase your stress. Also, there can be unwanted travelling related to work and stress because of legal matters. Students need to work with a positive approach under the influence of Saturn, as it can drag your attention towards negativity and depression. For positivity, you may join a yoga or meditation class. The marital relationship can also have ego clashes. However, over-expectation from your spouse may give stress to your relationship.

Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd September ) : You should share your feeling with your partner. The health of your spouse also needs care during this week. If you were in search of the partner then the week of Week will give good news for you. In the last phase, you might get into some challenges related to money and finance with your father or government. Mercury movement can give financial expenditure on the family. Some of you might get financial expenditure on health and renovation in the house. Patience and a positive approach are going to give expected success in career this week. Mars advised you to avoid any major investment in the business in a hurry. Sun and Mercury can give new deals related to the job. Stars are predicting that distraction can gibe hurdles in your education. If you are in research work then this week is going to be successful. You will get inclined to learn occult science or will plan to join the meditation classes. Try not to be into an argument with siblings during this week.

To read your detailed weekly horoscope, Click here.

Libra ( 23rd September to 22nd October ) : Though you may have good planetary support for your love and relationship this week but ou need to guard your relationship against outside interference or disturbances. you will have good income flow and you will spend on auspicious work. However, your wavering mind may become financially harmful and lead to problems. Overload of work may affect your pace of work and cause some irritation. You may feel that your schedule very hectic and you are overloaded at this time with many things to do. Planetary aspects will make you receptive and you will find learning much more interesting and easier. So, your progress in studies will be good. There is a possibility of some minor injury or twisting your angle due to the hurry hence need to take adequate precaution and do not do things in a jiffy.

Scorpio( 23rd October to 22nd November ) : Your chances of finding love could improve this week. Your patience will be put to the test later. It will all be about overcoming obstacles. The weekdays leading up to the weekend will be a nice time for married couples to spend together. This week's stars portend conflicting results in topics pertaining to your finances and assets. It will take more work to make money flow. Things will get better after midweek. This week's professional prospects are not particularly promising due to the influence of the stars. At every stage, there may be difficult resistance and hurdles. If you are in business, resist the temptation of quick gains. Be ready to put in more effort to get the desired results. Students may find great encouragement in the impact of stars. Planetary roles may present some excellent opportunities for you to demonstrate your skills. During the week, your health will need extra attention. Unknown stress may exist in your head. Meditation and other relaxation techniques will assist you in keeping

Sagittarius ( 23rd November to 21st December ) : This week will be full of opportunities for you in terms of relationships. Making the right partner decision will be difficult for you, but all will turn out well in the end. Your financial situation will improve thanks to the stars, who also predict a particularly good week this week. It will make it simple for you to make a good amount of money. You might experience some stress at work as the week gets started. You will succeed if you have calm, reasoned conversations. This is the moment in your business when you'll need to hone your financial expertise. According to the stars, this week will be the one when all of your academic aspirations come true. Now, all of your choices will be successful, and your concentration and grasping abilities will grow significantly. You might benefit from strong planetary support to keep your health. However, you should adjust your workload to your stamina.

Capricorn ( 22nd December to 20th January ) : The relationship you have with your loved ones will improve this week. You might become irritated by some interruptions around this week's midpoint. Around the weekend, singles are likely to be socially quite active. Most of this week, the planets will support your financial vision. Throughout this week, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to profit. However, some unforeseen costs may interfere with your plans around this week's midpoint. You will gain a lot of strength and your position at work will significantly improve. This week's midpoint in the stars may present some excellent growth chances. The planetary transit will force you to start a new chapter of your progressive path if you are in business. This week will be good for your education. But you'll experience some conflicts at the start of this week. Poor concentration could impede your development. You might feel uncomfortable from minor stomach-related health issues or from some seasonal health issues. Although you might be able to avoid serious health issues this week thanks to your strong immune system.

Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February ) : The moment to feel proud of yourself and hold your head high is this week. Strong planetary support may be available throughout the weekend for singles looking for a partner. For problems pertaining to finances, this week might be advantageous. Your previous investments can yield good returns. Additionally, your sources of income would expand. You now want to broaden your career's scope. You'll be noticed by those around you at work for your efforts. Around the weekend, business people might be able to close some profitable deals. This week's stars suggest that you should continue to pay close attention to your academics. You'll be able to concentrate while you study. You must then make energizing progress. The week's planetary forecasts may help you stay in good health and shape. You might feel the need to regularly exercise for fitness.

Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March ) : Your partnership may cause you anxiety due to some challenging situations. Even small things might suddenly become ego matters. By the weekend, you may be successful in reestablishing normalcy thanks to the stars' favour. Your finances and investment-related matters may continue to go nicely this week. However, you may need to exercise caution with money matters and refrain from placing a lot of reliance on people. You might continue to go progress in your career this week. Avoid wasting additional time and effort on pointless activities. Around the weekend, new business expansion opportunities might lift your mood. Some good opportunities for advancement may revive your trust in your own ability.

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