Start Writing Your To-Do List, Because Virgo Season Is Cleaning Up Leo Season's Mess

Leo season is one of the most exciting, upbeat parts of the year, but it’s time for the party to end. The Sun enters practical, busy Virgo on August 23, and we’re all focusing less on drama, and more on work. The earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are thriving the most right now, while the mutable signs Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces are having to work extra hard.

First things first: Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Virgo on the same day that Virgo season begins, so there are definitely some hiccups, delays, and unexpected challenges happening this month. But here’s the good news: Virgo is one of the most intellectual, analytical signs, so if you focus and think, you’re able to find a solution to any problem right now—no matter your own zodiac sign.

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Virgo is the busy bee of the zodiac, and with the Sun in this sign, your workload is definitely increasing. This heightened focus is spectacular for all of you students starting a new year or for anyone starting a new job/project/hobby, but everyone is feeling the added pressure. You’re always finding something to do, and you feel extra compelled to get sh*t done right now. Take advantage of this astro! Right now you’re giving more attention to details, you’re thinking and planning before taking action, and you’re becoming a much “brainier” person, so you can cross every single thing off of your to-do list this month.

The overall vibe of Virgo season is to help you get organized and start living a healthier, more productive lifestyle. This doesn’t have to mean spending every hour of every day being clocked in at work, or constantly hitting the books. Instead, think of this as a time to tidy up various areas of your life, especially anything relating to your health and wellness. Eat healthier. Cut out your bad habits. Be more active. If your relationships are a mess, this is a great time to work on a practical solution to fix things, too.

This isn’t the most fun zodiac season by a long shot, but it’s one of the most necessary ones. Leo season was a celebration, and Virgo season is helping you to clean up the mess and get back to everyday life. Be perseverant, use your brain, and use this astro to seriously clean up your life.

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscopes for Virgo Season 2023:


All Virgo season long you’re busy as hell, and at first, it’s absolutely exhausting. You’re finding out that you have some pretty unhealthy habits, and it’s slowed you down a ton. You used to walk in the park every day—why’d you stop? You used to love cooking—why have your past fifty meals all been from DoorDash? Get your act together, buddy. The healthy habits you start now promise to stick around for a very long time.


With the Sun in like-minded earth sign Virgo, you’re receiving some pretty good vibes from the stars right now, retrogrades be damned! This time is all about expressing yourself. This might mean coming out of your shell and being a more genuine, open person. Or it might mean experiencing immense creativity, and/or that love is finding you more easily. However, don't take these vibes for granted—if you want these good things to last, you'll need to put some energy into making them stick. The lesson here is that these things aren’t sustainable unless you’re able to work on making them as perfect as they can be.


This month, you’re going back to your roots. You’re either living in the moment or looking forward to the next exciting thing, but you need to come back down to earth and focus on your past a little. You’re a major homebody right now, and if you’re spending time with anyone, it’s gotta be at your house. You can learn tons from your past, Gemini, and if you take some time to look at your “journey thus far,” you’ll see that you’ve come a very, very long way.


Virgo season is helping you come out of your shell! Finding the right words to say is a little bit easier (unless Mercury Retrograde is acting especially out of pocket) and you’re more eager to connect with others. Your usual shyness is out the window, and meeting new people excites you, instead of filling you with social anxiety and dread. Have fun, Cancer!


I know, looking at your bank account is a dangerous game after your birthday season (you spare no expense for your birthday bash, of course), but you should check out your financial situation. Virgo season wants you to be more practical with money, because you never know when a surprise expense will come along. Put down the weed or the whiskey or the vape, or whatever your particular vice is for a bit instead of shelling out more cash, and save it for a rainy day.


Happy birthday! Right now, the world is your oyster. Spend this Virgo season embracing life—your family, your friends, the experiences you have with your loved ones—and figuring out who and what matters most to you. Think about a job, a project, or a relationship to really focus on, and by the end of the month, make your choice. Whoever or whatever you choose will certainly have long-term significance, so choose carefully!


Imagine a trash can. It’s gross, but you put a trash bag in it to keep it somewhat clean. For a long time, you can ignore the crumbs that have collected at the bottom, but eventually the smell gets bad enough you have to wash out that trash can, or just replace the whole damn thing. Your exes, past connections, and old jobs or projects are the crumbs here, and now you gotta clean out your trash can. This month, you’re diving deep and rediscovering all sorts of messes you forgot about, and you need to find closure and move on for good.


You’re very picky when it comes to the people you let in your circle, so new friends are few and far between. You need to check them out and analyze them for a bit before opening up. But this Virgo season, you’re way more open, and feeling pretty eager to make new friends! You’re meeting lots of people right now, and although most of them will just become buddies, you might actually end up bumping into your next BFF.


Out of all the signs, you’re feeling the pressure at work the most. Your boss, your bosses boss, and your colleagues are paying extra attention to you right now, so it’s important that you focus and do your absolute best. Good work, attention to detail, and completed jobs will be heavily rewarded by the end of Virgo season, but if you stumble and fall in the meantime, everyone’s gonna see it.


Take the scenic route this Virgo season. Go out of your way to try something new. This next month is all about broadening your horizons. Go on a day trip, or if it’s within your means, an actual trip somewhere far away. Read books and watch movies that aren’t your go-tos. Add as much variety to your life as you can right now, and you’ll discover new interests that you can become truly passionate about by the end of Virgo season.


Virgo season has a couple of strong effects for your sign. First, this is a bad time to take out loans or borrow money—surprise bills or unexpected expenses are very likely right now. Second, you don’t have much time to think about yourself—instead, you’re focusing on your deepest, most intimate relationships. This is a time where you can feel a true sense of entanglement with your partner. If things aren’t going so well in your relationship, however, you’re discovering just how much is wrong, and you may have to part ways by the end of the month.


Virgo season is cuffing season for your sign, or, at least it usually is. Unfortunately, both Mercury and Venus are retrograde right now, so new relationships is a big no-no… for now. Spend this time speed dating and introducing yourself to a variety of potential paramours. Both retrogrades end before the final week of Virgo season, so in a few more weeks you’ll have the clarity of mind to pick the real Mx. Right, and start a proper relationship.

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