Your Virgo Monthly Horoscope for November

Your Virgo Monthly Horoscope for NovemberHearst Owned

Add These Dates to Your GCal:

  • November 8: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

  • November 15: Venus enters Sagittarius

  • November 17: Mercury enters Sagittarius

  • November 22: Sun enters Sagittarius

  • November 23: New Moon in Sagittarius

  • November 23: Jupiter goes direct in Pisces

You’re always busier than usual during Scorpio season, Virgo! And if anyone can juggle all of these plans, it’s you. The month starts off with some exciting news on November 5 when Venus in Scorpio faces off with Uranus in Taurus. You may learn something surprising about a loved one, or feel ready to share a secret about yourself. Conversations about your desires, needs, and values may also flavor the day. You’re not shying away from taboo topics!

The Full Moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8 may bring some interesting information to light. Today, conversations have the feeling of altering the trajectory of your life—NBD! If you’re in school, traveling, or working on a passion project, today could mark a milestone.

Some good news arrives on November 10 when Venus in Scorpio spends time with Neptune in Pisces. A constructive and healing conversation with a partner or loved one feels fulfilling. People are leading with compassion today and you’re feeling more seen, understood, and appreciated in your closest connections. If you’ve been hoping to collaborate with a special someone, you may finally hear about next steps. There’s a more somber tone the following day on November 11 when the Sun in Scorpio clashes with Saturn in Aquarius. The day is full of serious conversations and people are generally in a cantankerous mood. You may reach a limit with certain responsibilities you’ve been carrying and ask for some assistance. Irritation is in the air today and just unavoidable, but it won’t last forever.

The cosmic vibe lightens on November 15 when Venus in Scorpio meets with Jupiter in Pisces. An authority figure or someone you admire is speaking well about you. The odds are ever in your favor, and today could bring some promising news in both your love life and professional life. Sink into gratitude as much as you can. Later in the day, Venus enters Sagittarius, and matters in your home and private life receive some much-needed relief. If you’ve been moving, renovating, or redesigning your home, good news arrives! There is also a sweet energy between you and your chosen family today.

On November 17, Mercury enters Sagittarius, and you may be learning information about your living situation, roommates, or family members. This is a nostalgic time that may have you reflecting on your family and ancestry. What parts of the past are you done reliving? What patterns are you ready to break free from? Mercury and Venus, both in Sagittarius, meet up at the same exact spot in the sky on November 21. You may learn some exciting news about your family–perhaps a new addition is welcomed, or you’re celebrating a wedding or another major milestone. If you’ve been focused on your physical residence, some promising news arrives. There is harmonious energy flowing today, so if you do decide to spend your day with relatives, it should be relatively drama-free!

The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, and Sagittarius season 2022 begins! For the next month, you’re focusing on your privacy and rest. You’re not as much in the going-out mood, but you're open to inviting guests over into your cozy home. Schedule a dinner party or movie night with your besties, and take plenty of naps!

The New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23 marks a fresh chapter in matters related to your property, past, and family. Could you be introducing someone important to your loved ones? Moving in with your S.O.? Expanding your family? All are possible–and the Sun shining its light in this sector of your chart can also bring focus to your roommates or living space. You want to spend your time making your home feel as secure and comfortable as possible. On the same day, Jupiter stations direct in Pisces, and the energy in your relationships and partnerships picks back up. If you’ve been going in circles with a partner or loved one, resolution or a compromise is finally reached. You’re feeling hopeful about the future and where you’re headed together.

A final dose of intensity rounds out the month on November 29 as Mercury in Sagittarius faces off with Mars Retrograde in Gemini. Your mental energy may be tuned into family matters, but there’s a lot going on in your professional life at the same time. In fact, your work-life balance might feel a little overwhelming at the moment, and this is your opportunity to advocate for yourself. At the same time, any issues that have been simmering beneath the surface related to your family may also reach a boiling point.

The following day on November 30, Venus in Sagittarius comes along to interact with Mars Retrograde. Yes, the love planets are in play! Venus hopes to smooth things over and reach a compromise, but Mars won’t give in without some final fighting words. You’re feeling pulled in two directions with your private and public lives, and some adjustment is required.

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