Victoria Song's camp slams rumour with Wang Kai

16 Feb – Victoria Song's camp has recently slammed rumourmongers over fake news regarding the singer and actor Wang Kai.

As reported on Sohu, earlier this week, sources claimed that Wang is set to tie the knot with a female star after keeping their relationship a secret for a long time.

It added that to avoid attention from the public, the two parties maintain little interaction on social media.

Though the rumour made no mention as to the identity of the female star, many speculated it to be the former K-pop star, since Wang Kai had released a Valentine's Day video which has the date of Victoria's birthday at the bottom.

In response to the rumour, on 14 February, Victoria's studio released a statement that read, "The related content appearing on the Internet is all rumour, which has seriously violated the legal rights of Ms. Song Qian. Our studio strongly condemns the malicious slanderers who spread these rumours!"

"Those who fabricate and spread rumours will be held accountable according to the law!" it added.

Soon after, Wang Kai's studio also released its own statement, saying, "Don't spread rumours, don't believe in rumours."

Victoria celebrated her 36th birthday on 2 February
Victoria celebrated her 36th birthday on 2 February
Wang Kai released a Valentine's Day video that has Victoria's birth date on the bottom
Wang Kai released a Valentine's Day video that has Victoria's birth date on the bottom

(Photo Source: Wang Kai Weibo, Victoria Song Weibo, SINA)