“I’ve tried loads of gut supplements, but these are the best at stopping bloating and sugar cravings"

artah metabolic fix review
"These gut supplements *actually* stop bloating"Hearst Owned

I first started taking supplements almost a decade ago, after being told told I was anaemic at the age of sixteen, and while I know they’re not for everyone (sidenote: always run a new supplement by your GP before taking it) I was pleasantly surprised by how much better I felt with a regular pill-taking routine. Sometimes it feels nice to having a helping hand and know the pressure isn’t all on your diet alone.

So, whilst I may have managed to narrow down my go-to iron and skin-boosting supplements fairly easily, finding the perfect match for my gut posed more of a challenge. It’s sluggish – by my own account – leading to bloating that could rival a pregnant woman, and often, I believe, contributes towards my breakouts.

As a beauty writer, who is regularly sent the latest offerings from brands, I’ve long been game to try everything that’s landed on my desk – including an ample amount of gut supplements. And having tried and tested a whole manner, I’ve come to learn that it’s a mixed bag: some were good, some average, and others left me feeling so uncomfortable that only laying horizontally and avoiding mirrors has been able to combat the effects.

With this in mind, when a tub of Artah’s Metabolic Fix was sent my way, I admittedly didn’t have massively high expectations – but in my seemingly eternal quest for a bloat-free stomach, I decided to give them a go anyway. Spoiler: they turned out to be the only gut health supplement I’ve ever taken that has actually worked – and quickly too. In fact, after just one night, I woke up with my first bloat-free stomach in years. Or possibly ever. Not only did I feel more comfortable within myself, but my energy levels definitely seemed to have shot up that following day too – and as someone who struggles with insomnia, that’s a huge feat.

What is Artah’s Metabolic Fix supplement?

Artah's Metabolic Fix supplements claim to regulate blood sugar and enhance energy production on a “cellular level”, thanks to its wellness cocktail of chromium (a mineral known to help kickstart your metabolism), green tea extract (to boost energy levels) and alpha lipoic acid (an antioxidant that’s made by the body to help turn glucose into energy).

“Alpha lipoic acid, chromium and inositol all help with insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism,” explains Nishtha Patel, a nutritionist and functional medicine IFMCP. “Maintaining insulin sensitivity is essential for efficient glucose uptake from the bloodstream. Research indicates that substances like ALA, inositol, and chromium may enhance insulin sensitivity and when your body is sensitive to insulin, it requires less insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. This is crucial because low insulin sensitivity can increase the risk of developing pre-diabetes or diabetes,” she adds.

This trio worked a treat for me but Patel warns that there are a few things to be aware of: “Green tea can affect people with liver or kidney issues, hypertension, stomach ulcers, anxiety and psychiatric disorders, so they should consult their practitioner first before taking a green tea-based supplementation. It can sometimes affect those with IBS, too.”

Meanwhile, Patel shares a further word of caution, saying alpha lipoic acid can affect “anyone on chemotherapy drugs or diabetic or thyroid medication. You could find that it may lower their blood sugars further and you should always speak to their health care provider first as this can be detrimental.”

The bottom line? If in doubt that a supplement is for you, always check with your healthcare provider prior to taking.

Do Artah have a supplement to help sugar cravings?

As Patel explains above, the ingredients found in the supplements are known for helping to regulate blood sugar and energy levels – meaning you’re less likely to slump mid-afternoon and find yourself searching for a quick energy fix in the form of a Krispy Kreme.

From my personal experience, I found that after just two weeks of taking the Metabolic Fix supplements, I felt so much better and brighter that I began preaching to everyone in a ten-mile radius that they too needed to try these supplements. I hadn’t even clocked the impact they were having on my sugar-snacking ways, until my flatmate pointed out the label claims to help with sweet cravings and queried me on whether or not I’d noticed that too. As soon as she said it, however, I realised I’d been skipping my 4pm chocolate break – without even noticing, or feeling like something was lacking. Instead of craving something sugary to spike my low mid-afternoon energy levels, I just... didn’t feel the need.

I had never attempted to control my sugar cravings through supplements before, but Patel informs me it can be done: “Taking supplements to control sugar cravings may work through various mechanisms. For example, ingredients like L-Carnitine may help the body utilise fat for energy, reducing the need for constant sugar intake for energy. Additionally, stabilising blood sugar levels can help reduce sugar cravings.”

The Artah Metabolic Fix supplements not only contain L-Carnitine, but they also feature chromium and berberine which are thought to “regulate blood sugar levels”, according to Patel. “Once the levels remain stable, it can reduce sudden crashes and spikes that can sometimes trigger sugar cravings. Furthermore, supplements such as those containing glucomannan [the Artah Metabolic Fix does not] can also increase satiety and fullness as it is a form of fibre. Studies show that fibre helps reduce the urge to snack on sugary foods and keeps you fuller for longer,” she adds.

I’d left unhealthy dieting regimes behind when I entered my twenties, having found that calorie counting and minuscule portions didn’t do anything other than cause my mood to plummet into misery – but cutting down on sugar is something I've long (and repeatedly) attempted, just for my general health and energy. I’d tried and failed, over and over, but these supplements made it a breeze to do.

“Reducing sugar can have a positive impact on the gut. Sugar can cause fermentation and yeast overgrowth as it feeds the bad bacteria and causes dysbiosis (an imbalance to bacteria in the body known as the microbiota) which can lead to bloating and flatulence as well as yeast infections,” says Patel, so it was no wonder I was feeling so much better.

How can I stop my sugar cravings naturally?

Of course, reducing sugar levels can also be done by altering your diet and without a supplement in sight. It really is about learning what works best (and is safest) for you. “Eating foods rich in fibre and also adding protein and a small amount of good fats not only helps you to stay fuller for longer but also can be beneficial in reducing sugar spikes. Staying hydrated and drinking adequate amounts of water are also beneficial. Also, hydration is important, as is eating mindfully, chewing food properly and managing stress can also be beneficial,” explains Patel.

The final verdict

Although these Artah tablets seemed to work like a miracle overnight, by my second month of taking them I did realise the benefits weren’t quite as *spectacular* when my diet went awry (read: I had one too many late-night McDonald’s visits).

But when I kept my diet relatively healthy (albeit probably still pretty disastrous if you asked a gut expert), the two worked in synergy to leave me feeling bloat-free and energetic. Of course, everybody’s body will react differently to supplements but it’s safe to say, I’ll be stocking up my snack cupboard with these instead of my usual Oreos in future.

This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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