Tube Girl Is Taking Us on a Ride to Paris Fashion Week

sabrina bahsoon
Tube Girl Is Taking Bazaar to Paris Fashion Week@sabrinabahsoon

It was only several weeks ago that 22-year-old Sabrina Bahsoon graduated from law school. She didn’t know what she wanted to do, but she didn’t want to pursue a career as a lawyer. So she just started to let go a bit and have some fun, which manifested itself through the lens of TikTok. Bahsoon began filming herself dancing in crazy-cool outfits on the London Tube, and a matter of days, her following skyrocketed: Her first videos were watched by over 6 million people.

Now, Bahsoon’s accidental TikTok gig is taking off, and she’s just touched down in Paris, where she’ll be attending her very first Fashion Week—and walking in a show, too. It will be wild to see where she goes from here, but for now, she’s taking Harper’s Bazaar along for the ride. Read more about Bahsoon below, and be sure to follow along with her as she takes over our social channels, from the train to the streets to the runway and everywhere in between.

Tell us a bit about your background—where are you from originally and where are you based now?

I’m from Malaysia, but I’m based in London currently. My mom is Malaysian and my dad is half Sierra Leonean and half Lebanese.

Can you tell us about your law trajectory? What type of law do you focus on, and do you plan to work in the field now that you have this new content project?

I am not planning to continue anything in law, but I also was never planning to continue law after my degree. I never enjoyed it, so it’s not something I wanted to pursue. I specialized in media law, intellectual property, and employment law. I wrote my dissertation on how Malaysian women should be able to confer citizenship to their children if they have married a foreigner.

How did Tube Girl come to be? Why, when, and how did you start posting?

Tube Girl started out as me just dancing, filming myself, and having fun. I was on the way to my friend’s house one day during the summer, and was trying to find a way to film a video with a song I liked. I asked him to film it for me, but he said no, so I filmed it myself and felt the wind, and it just felt like a cool place to film.

How do you hope to inspire your followers with your content?

I hope to inspire people to not care as much about what other people think, so they can live more freely. I want people to have fun, especially with the boring things in life, like commuting. You can find the good parts in life even in the smallest things.

Have you always been a fan of fashion? If so, how has your relationship to fashion changed over the years?

Growing up I had four siblings, specifically two older sisters, so I didn’t have too much of a choice when it came to clothes. All the clothes that I got were hand-me-downs. I remember owning a staple of two jeans and two shirts that I always would wear. My love for fashion was always there, though; my sisters and I loved to dress up, and I always knew that when I could get more clothes, I would love to style myself more. That kind of started when I moved to the U.K. I was able to work and buy clothes and discover my style more during the pandemic because I was online (and on TikTok specifically) all the time. Now I have completely fallen in love with fashion. I love that I feel like I can express myself in fashion, whether it’s through my Malaysian roots with jewelry or incorporating traditional styles into my outfits.

How would you describe your personal style?

When it comes to my style, I have so many different influences. Of course my culture influences my style the most, and I try to always show my Southeast Asian roots and Arabic roots, especially with my accessories. When it comes to my aesthetic, it really depends on my mood. I love dressing as a rock star, but I love the indie vibe as well, whether it be boho or maybe even mermaid. I just love experimenting and letting how I feel that day manifest in my style.

What are you most excited for this Paris Fashion Week, and how do you feel about going to shows in Paris for the first time?

I am so excited that picking just one thing to be excited about is impossible. I’m SO excited to make my Paris Fashion Week runway debut (and attendance debut, really). I’m walking in one of the shows this Fashion Week, which will be super fun. I can’t wait to see some cool designers that I have always been a fan of. I’m also just really excited to see Paris itself. During this time it’s extra hectic, but I’d love to explore Paris a bit more. Also, of course, I’m very excited to run the Harper’s Bazaar socials this Fashion Week, sharing some memories and great moments—and maybe even causing some havoc.

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