Today's Solar Eclipse Will Make April's New Moon In Aries Even More Powerful

  • On April 8, 2024, a new moon and solar eclipse are happening in the sign of Aries.

  • This cosmic combo will push you to be more daring in your day-to-day life.

  • The new moon/solar eclipse impacts all zodiac signs, but Aries and Libra will feel it the most.

Heads up (literally): There's a new moon and solar eclipse happening today, April 8, 2024. Hopefully, you've got your eclipse glasses ready to go because this astronomical event is a pretty big deal—considering the last solar eclipse that was visible from America happened in 2017 and the next one won't be seen here until 2044.

Naturally, people are seriously pumped about this natural phenomenon, but like all new moon and solar eclipse combinations, it has a special meaning in the astrological world, too. This particular new moon and solar eclipse is happening in the sign of Aries, and that fire sign energy will push you to be a little more daring in your day-to-day, according to Donna Page, an Atlanta-based astrologer with a graduate degree in counseling psychology.

Here's what to know about the new moon and solar eclipse in Aries, plus how it’ll impact your zodiac sign going forward, according to astrology.

What does the new moon and solar eclipse in Aries mean for your sign?

In case you need a recap, the moon goes through different phases in the sky, and a new moon is when it looks all but invisible from the earth. Each new moon is linked with a different zodiac sign, giving it a special feel that impacts everyone—but some signs more than others. (For instance, while this new moon will impact all zodiac signs, Page says Aries and Libra will feel it the most.)

But a solar eclipse is also happening at the same time this month, which makes this new moon feel extra strong.

The result? For starters, this cosmic combo will morph you into a serious go-getter. “This is the universe’s way of telling us to just do it,” Page says. “If you want something, go for it—and try new things while you’re at it.” That can include everything from applying for that dream job to taking trapeze lessons. Basically, if it's outside your comfort zone, it's worth exploring.

When deciding what passions to pursue, consider Aries' reputation of not finishing things that they start. That may not seem like the best trait, but “the nature of this energy is to try something just to experience it,” Page says. So, if you realize a new activity is not for you, “it’s okay to dump it,” she adds. The experience will still teach you about what you value in life and where you want to direct your energy—necessary for personal growth!

During this time, you'll also be pushed to speak your mind—in socially appropriate situations, of course—even if you know you might not have the most popular opinion. “There’s energy to help you speak up,” Page says.

Of course, you'll also recognize that everyone has their issues, due to this new moon's connection with Chiron, a.k.a. the wounded healer in Greek mythology. As a result, you’ll be a little more forgiving if someone accidentally says something that upsets you.

How will the new moon/solar eclipse in Aries impact the rest of your year?

The vibe from the new moon and solar eclipse in Aries won’t last forever, but you’ll learn a few lessons while it’s here. First, you’ll realize that diving into new things isn't all that scary after all. At the same time, you won’t be freaked out about making mistakes, because you know that’s part of life. So, if you try something new and realize it’s just not your jam, that’s totally okay.

Speaking your mind will also help you become a more authentic version of yourself. But you'll also consider that other people have a right to their own opinion, which may or may not line up with yours. Understanding that simple fact of life will help you “become a better person and not hold grudges,” Page says.

When is the next new moon?

The next new moon is on May 8, 2024 in the sign of Taurus. During this new moon, you’ll crave stability in your everyday life.

But for now, get out there and try something new. What’s the best that can happen?

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