Blue Wine Is Here And It’s Messing With Our Minds


[Photo: Gik]

For centuries, we only had two wine options: red or white. Then rose was introduced and vino became a little sweeter. But now blue wine’s here, we’re not sure what to think. Will it taste bitter? Syrupy? Or just like white wine with half a bottle of food colouring in it?

Head to Spain, and you’ll be able to find out. A start-up company called Gik is the brains behind the, erm, unusual invention and they’ve certainly made themselves known quickly.


[Photo: Gik]

So, what do we need to know about this blue wine? Luckily, it’s not just white wine with a bit of blue food colouring thrown in. It has been lovingly developed by Gik, the University of the Basque Country and Azti Techecalia.

The wine mixes red and white grapes from around Spain, using the pigment of the grape’s skin (the scientific term is ‘anthocyanin’) in order to create the blue colour.

It’s sure to be the best Instagrammable drink on the scene and just think about its brag-ability factor at dinner parties.


[Photo: Gik]

Could blue wine be the future? We’ll definitely be having a bottle of blue when it becomes available in the UK in a few months. At just £8 a bottle, it’s bound to be snapped up by any wine lovers up for trying something new.

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