Sunrise Traditional Coffee & Toast @ 88 Market Street temporarily closed

Customers of Sunrise Traditional Coffee & Toast (昇陽傳統咖啡) on 88 Market Street received an unfortunate bit of news on 27 Dec. The daughter of the owners announced on Facebook that the stall would be closed until further notice.

Sunrise Traditional Coffee & Toast - stall

She explained in her post it was because her mother had to take a break due to medical reasons.

Sunrise Traditional Coffee & Toast queues

It looks like quite a blow to Sunrise Traditional Coffee & Toast patrons as the stall was very popularly frequented, earning long queues. Customers could grab a cup of Teh (S$1.10 for Hot, S$1.50 for Cold) or Milo (S$1.40 for Hot, S$1.90 for Cold) along with Kaya Butter Toast (S$1.60 for 2 slices).

Sunrise Traditional Coffee & Toast - kopi & toast

Like any traditional kopi shop, they have set meals for the kaya breakfast items as well. Their Kaya Toast Set (S$3.50) and Soft Bun Set (S$3.50) all came inclusive with a cup of Kopi O or Teh O

If you craved peanut butter, they had you covered too with their Peanut Butter Toast (Set Meal for S$3.80, S$2 for 2 slices)

Sunrise Traditional Coffee & Toast also offered a more unique drink option, albeit not in a very traditional style for these drinks. On their menu were Ice-Blended versions of the classics like the aforementioned Teh (S$2.20) and Milo (S$2.40)

There were ice-blended exclusives like their Thai Iced Green Milk Tea (S$2.50)Ice Blended Bandung (S$2) and the most expensive drink on the menu, the Ice Blended Soursop (S$3.50).

Golden Pearls (S$0.80) was an optional add-on for iced beverages as well. 

Sunrise Traditional Coffee & Toast - kopi powder poster
Sunrise Traditional Coffee & Toast - kopi powder poster

Let us all send well wishes to the family’s way and that the auntie receives a swift recovery. If you wish to further support them during this period, Sunrise Traditional Coffee & Toast sells their brand of kopi powder online. You can find them on Lazada or Shopee

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