Sonija Kwok happy to return to the small screen

2 Jun – After a seven-year hiatus, Sonija Kwok is elated to return to the small screen with the new ViuTV series, "Inevitable".

The actress, who sat down for an interview with Mingpao recently, admitted that prior to accepting the offer to do the series, she felt quite lost and had even deliberated migrating to another country.

"I felt quite lost for a while in 2020. At the time, I asked a friend who's good at divination for guidance and the other party said that a good job opportunity is coming," she said.

Sonija Kwok stars as an eternal beauty in the suspenseful ViuTV series, 'Inevitable'
Sonija Kwok stars as an eternal beauty in the suspenseful ViuTV series, 'Inevitable'

Just as predicted, a week later, Sonija received an offer from director Wong Wai Yin, the producer and director that she has known for many years.

The actress revealed that the first condition she set for her comeback was to have enough time to rest.

"Filming takes a long time and consumes a lot of energy. Since we have a good relationship, I asked that we have 12 hours of rest every day, and he verbally agreed.

It is noted that her last drama was the 2015's "Under the Veil". Since then, Sonija has appeared in several movies, including 2019's "Bodies at Rest".

On the other hand, when asked if daughter Kylie enjoys seeing her old films and dramas, Sonija smiled and said that she had to "force" his daughter to watch it, but that Kylie has an indifferent view about her performances, except for TVB's "Angels of Mission", which the 10-year-old seemed to enjoy.

Sonija says daughter Kylie is not interested in her acting career
Sonija says daughter Kylie is not interested in her acting career

(Photo Source: Sonija Kwok Instagram)