Singer Ayumi Hamasaki announced second pregnancy

Singer Ayumi Hamasaki announced second pregnancy

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トラブルツアー3年目となる2020年の秋、もう二度と立てないと思っていた、あのたくさんたくさん考え抜いてやっと出来上がった『スケルトン可動式階段ステージ』に再び一座揃って立たせて頂く事が出来、思い残すことはありません!やれる事は全てやり切った!!! 通常のツアー初日を彷彿させるような、生身の人間達が集まって作り上げた、出来たてホヤホヤの芸術に演者、スタッフ全員が身を捧げた2時間半でした。 全国で出逢えた皆さま、そして画面越しにファイナルを見届けてくれた皆さま、本当に本当にありがとうございました!!!!! #サイゴノトラブルFINAL #色々とトラブル起きてましたね笑 #私はというと早くも #3曲目のサビの掛け合いで #いつものみんなの声を思い出して #カメラの向こうが見えた気がして #込み上げるものを堪えてたら #ジンさんの背中見てグッときて #からの一階におりたら #隣にいたおきゃんと目が合って #笑ってくれたからとどめにグッときた #その他もいろーんなこと #さてみんなはいくつの #貴重なトラブル見つけたかな #僕らは完璧なんかじゃないよ #だって人間なんだもの #完結🎊 Photo by @seitaro__tanaka

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Earlier in January, Ayumi Hamasaki made the announcement that she had given birth to a boy last year. But little did we (or anyone) expect, the unmarried J-pop queen is now pregnant with her second child!

Announced on her official fan club site on 2 October, which is also her birthday, the piece of good news came after the end of her second online concert, titled Ayumi Hamasaki Trouble Tour 2020 A ~Last Trouble~ Final.

“I won’t forget such an impactful 2020 when the pandemic made us feel like we were lost in a tunnel with no exit. In order to take a step forward forcefully together, I think this was a necessary final stage,” reflected Hamasaki on the website, who had held her Trouble Tour in 2018 and 2019 and extended the tour to 2020, which was then cancelled due to the coronavirus.

“Lastly, there’s a second angel in my body now, and I’m doing my best to look after it. I’m looking forward to having a big family!” concluded the songstress, who also urged her fans to watch over her quietly regarding her private matters, for the sake of her children.

Although Hamasaki did not disclose who the father of her children is, the single mother had released a ballad in July this year titled Ohia no Ki which means Ohia Tree. The heart-warming song is dedicated to her son and sings the story of her as a mother for the first time and her unconditional love for her child.

In her Instagram post, Hamasaki also said that she will continue to live her private life according to her own standards and the definition of happiness which she and her family had decided on.

She claimed that she does not mind even if this definition differs from the majority’s, explaining that the form of happiness is unique to each person, which cannot be understood by people other than the parties involved.