Jolin Tsai's MV not shown on Singapore TV

22 May - Taiwanese media reported that Jolin Tsai's song and music video, "We're All Different, Yet The Same", will have restricted airing in Singapore.
According to Mingpao News, the Media Development Authority (MDA) has sent notices to television and radio stations in the country so as to refrain from airing both song and music video on channels which may be freely accessed by younger viewers.
It was reported that the song receives such restrictions because of the lyrics that encourage the pursuit of equal rights of marriage for the LGBTI community, which conflicts with the laws in Singapore.
The song is still available for sale in Singapore with the requisite age rating and consumer advice.
This is not the first time a song has received restrictions for its lyrical content. Last year, A-Mei was banned from performing her song "Rainbow", which is a tribute to gay couples, at her concert.
Jolin's manager stated that the singer is disappointed with the decision, as the song is her way of expressing support for the equal rights of marriage.
However, the singer will respect the differences of opinion.
The music video for "We're All Different, Yet The Same" was inspired by the story of a lesbian couple who has been together for 30 years. It features a wedding scene between Jolin and featured Taiwanese actress Ruby Lin.
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